- Knowledge Base
- Promo Code
- Import Text (iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Modern Aspect Interpretations (iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Extended Notes (iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Aspect Interpretations (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Timezone correction for Israel 1980 and 1984
- Lunar Mansions (iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Differences (iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Qualities And Elements (iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Tapping the Go Forward in time button (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Transit orbs
- Edit a Chart
- AC for the iPhone runs in box mode on the iPad
- Display Zoom (iPhone)
- Draconic Charts (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- House System (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- AC on a MAC
- Planetary Sect and Almutens (iPad/Mac/iPhone)
- Historical Transit Relocation Charts (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Changing tropical AC Provided Charts to Sidereal (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Day/Hour Lords (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Copy a Provided Chart to Your Charts (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Transit Relocation Charts (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- John Dee (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Calendar Settings for AC (applies to the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Edit Chart Lat and Long (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Primary Directions Tests and Comparisons (available for the iPad/Mac)
- Skyscript – the website
- Receptions (available for the iPad/Mac/iPhone)
- Saving to PDF
- Chart Wheels (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Traditional Horary features/settings (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- How to enable and use the user-defined aspect (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Exact Aspects (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Text Display Size (available for the iPad/Mac. iPhone slightly different)
- Speculum (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Solar Charts (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- DST (Daylight Saving Time) Change-Over (applies to the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Births prior to 1st July 1959, Illinois (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Relocated Natal Charts (available for the iPad/Mac)
- America/USA Tests for Time Zone (applies to the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Connecting to Dropbox (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Cusp Aspects (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Snapshots (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Chart (Text) Display Details (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Traditional Planetary Orbs (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Bugs (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Changing the Time for Transits (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- AC’s Version number (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Planetary Hours (applies to the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Primary Directions (available for the iPad/Mac/iPhone)
- How to transfer data from your old iPad to your new iPad (available for the iPhone/iPad)
- Aspectarian (available for the iPad/Mac)
- Heliocentric (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Apple Pencil
- Go Forwards or Backwards in Time (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Share (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Database Inspector (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Wi-Fi and AC (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Switch off Degrees or Minutes (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Support (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Using Apple’s Map (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Precession (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Historical Charts (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Overview of AC (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Beginners (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Default settings (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Mac Finder
- Dark Mode (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Isolating Bi-Wheel aspects (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Terms (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Synastry Comparison Charts (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Single-Tap (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Sidereal Chart Comparison (applies to the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Progressions and Directions (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Swiping (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Colour Themes (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- iPads/Macs/iPhones
- Debug Info (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Sidereal Zodiac (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Fixed Stars Settings (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Your Unanswered Emails (applies to the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Horary Charts – Aspect Table (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Research and Analysis
- Pluto Glyphs (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- House Positions (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Decans (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Aspect Table – Aspect Reports/Analysis (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- MC by Solar Arc for secondary progressions (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Gauquelin Sectors (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Moon’s Nodes, Lilith (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Invert Screen Colours (Smart Invert) – (available for the iPhone/iPad)
- Parallax Moon (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Aspect Hit View #5 – sorting (available for the iPad/Mac)
- Transit Bi-Wheel Orb (Long-press) – (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Filtered Aspects (available for the iPad/Mac)
- Time Button (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Missing aspects when there is a significant CIT (available for the iPad/Mac)
- Overview: Importing and Exporting Charts (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Importing an AC .acc chart file into AstroConnexions (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Batch/Bulk Export and Delete Your Charts (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- CIT Analysis Listing and Printing (available for the iPad/Mac)
- AC Tables
- CIT Analysis (available for the iPad/Mac)
- Charts above the Artic Circle (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Configure AC (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Lots or Parts (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Viewing aspects associated with the Stock/Crypto Data (available for the iPad/Mac)
- Dwarf Planets (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Your Charts (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Aries Point (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Financial Stock and Crypto Charts (available for the iPad/Mac)
- Synastry Orbs (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Aspect Hits sync’d to astro chart (available for the iPad/Mac)
- Crypto Notes (available for the iPad/Mac)
- Chart Notes – extended (available for the iPad/Mac)
- Browse Charts (available for the iPad/Mac)
- Backing Up AC (available for the iPhone/iPad)
- Saving an Ingress chart (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Obscured Icons – iPad
- Saving an Eclipse Chart (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Pre-Natal Syzygy (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Quotidian Secondary Angle Progression (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Zodiacal Releasing (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Exporting and Importing a SFcht chart file (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Chart Notes (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Favourite Charts (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Long-Press Options (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Profections (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Aspect Table (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Double-Tap/Zoom (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Eclipse (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Aspect Line Selection (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Composite and Comparison Charts (fixed stars and eclipse) (applies to the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Midpoint Trees (available for the iPad/Mac). IPhone available – see screenshots.
- Part of Marriage (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Midpoint Aspect Lines (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Precession Corrected Return Charts (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Eclipse Listing, timing and the Saros series (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Returns – Saving as a Radix Chart (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Antiscia Charts (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Time Map (available for the iPad/Mac)
- Fixed Star Orbs (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Colours (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Aspect Hits (available for the iPad/Mac)
- Import Quick Charts and Reverse Geocoder (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Time Zone Update/Fix (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Import QuickCharts (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Eclipse Search (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Separating or Applying (applies to the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Midpoints (Uranian) (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Lunar Return bug
- Aspect Grids (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Full Landscape Views (available for the iPad/Mac)
- Chart Notes PopUp (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Miscellaneous Settings – Transit and Returns Orbs (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Eclipse – Solar and Lunar (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Composite Charts (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Your First Natal Chart (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Add a Fixed Star to the Prominent List (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Bi-Wheel Aspect Chart Lines (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Missing Natal Chart from Synastry Chart error (applies to the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Composite Charts and Fixed Stars (applies to the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Composite Charts – Venus and Mercury problem (applies to the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Composite Charts – understanding how AC displays them (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Arabian Parts or Lots – if traditional planets are removed (applies to the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Composite and Comparison Charts – how to create them (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Setting Current Location (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Your Charts – List Categories (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- User-defined aspect line colours (available for the iPad/Mac)
- Synastry (applies to the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Aspect considerations – additional points and asteroids (applies to the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Solar and Lunar Returns – the different choices (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Compatibility with iOS/iPadOS/MacOS versions (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Swiss Ephemeris (applies to the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Fixed Stars Table (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Go Forward and Go Backward: Returns – set the date (available for the iPad/Mac)
- Antiscia (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Two Lunar Returns in a calendar month (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Set Your Current Location for New Charts (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Exporting Charts from AstroConnexions to your Dropbox App folder (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Hey, what’s happening, and why (applies to the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Importing Provided Charts via Dropbox (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Provided Charts and Your Charts (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Aspect Values and Orbs (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Chart List Table Options (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Deleting a Chart (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Importing Solar Fire Charts via Dropbox (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Exporting Charts from Solar Fire (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- The problem of rounding in astrology charts (applies to the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- Essential Dignities and Debilities (available for the iPhone/iPad/Mac)
- A note for our Dutch users