Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
A fix for Charts that show 00” for Lat and long.Go to Edit Chart
Tap on Place. Select the town or city. Tap on the record.
Tap Save.
Now the chart will show the Lat and long seconds.
From AC ver 2.77
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I've progressed a chart (or similar). I want to create a snapshot of this chart so I can easily return to it later. How?
Knowledge Base - Snapshots
Available now.
Please see: Sidereal Zodiac
Available for precessed SR/LR charts and sidereal charts.
- Fagan/Bradley
- Lahiri
- De Luce
- Raman
- Usha/Shashi
- Krishnamurti
- Djwhal Khul
- Yukteshwar
- J.N. Bhasin
- SS Revati
- SS Citra
- True Citra
- True Revati
iPhone - not applicable
From ver 2.28 these buttons are not disabled. However they still cannot be used to show the selected full landscape views. A warning is given when clicking one of the buttons that you should go to full landscape.
To be specific the buttons at the bottom of the Full Landscape Options/View are disabled when selecting/tapping its icon from the main menu. Why? Because the Full Landscape Options/View should be selected after the full landscape option (left-slanted double headed arrow - top of screenshot) is selected/tapped.
Full landscape Settings Disabled
Full landscape Settings enabled
- Natal/Horary
- Transit
- Secondary Progressed (Naibod by RA, or Long or Quotidian)
- Solar Arc (by Long or RA)
- Solar Returns (with relocation, and/or precession correction)
- Lunar Returns (with relocation, and/or precession correction)
- Comparison
- Composite (inc transit/progressed)
- Antiscia
- Profections
- Pre-Natal Syzygy
- Eclipse (Maximum eclipse or Exact Lunar Phase)
- Ingress - all major planets, inc Solar and Lunar
- Gauquelin Sectors
- Sidereal
- Heliocentric
- Draconic
274Knowledge Base: Fixed Stars
Many are set up to be use immediately by default but you might want to add or remove others? See
Add/Remove a fixed star to the prominent list
Transits and ReturnsOr long-press over menu
Antiscia: Tap Lightning Bolt icon, top menu when an Antiscia chart is displayed or from Chart Calcs menu.
Transit bi-wheel orb settings. Long-press over Transit menu button to show the Transit bi-wheel orb settings view. Transit Relocation has replaced the bi-wheel orb setting.
Not available, since AC ver 2.81.
Secondary Progressions: Long-press on the Solar Arc Directions menu button
Solar Arc: Long-press on the Secondary Progressions menu button
Transit and Returns bi-wheel orbs
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Email Support
It depends. If the bug report comes with screenshots and a way to replicate the bug, I will fix asap, probably the same day.
Note that once I deploy it to Apple they take about 6-12 hours (or less) to release it to the app store after they review AC. They are a lot quicker these days.
Fixed stars in conjunction, by long or parallel, to planets or points.
To view the Fixed Star aspects for the currently displayed chart:
Given that a natal or horary chart is fixed, how is this possible?Easy. Just tap the advance in time button once and the chart will change to a transit chart with the same date/time/place of the horary chart. Now you can advance/progress the chart in real-time.
Advance chart in real-time
Ask me.[email protected]
email supportIt may not happen for a few weeks or months, but if it's something that other people would find useful I'm sure it would get implemented.
For all types of charts.Please note Synastry comparison charts are bi-wheels by default as are Antiscia charts.
Gauquelin charts are by default natal. Bi-wheel is therefore not applicable.
Yes, if you mean can the outer wheel be moved (while the inner chart remains stationary) by whatever time scale is chosen.For example, if a secondary progressed (Naibod by long) chart is selected as a bi-wheel, the outer chart is progressed using that time scale, as would be expected.Apart from Returns and Synastry comparison charts. These cannot be animated in that way. However, Return charts can be saved (as radix charts) which allows them to be animated.
Saving a Return chart
Aspects for midpoints are calculated for all charts.Knowledge Base: Midpoints
Knowledge Base - Midpoint Aspect Lines
Knowledge Base - Landscape View #3 - Midpoints
See also:
Yes, if you mean can the outer wheel be moved (while the inner chart remains stationary).
Animated Charts
Tap bottom right.Knowledge Base: Chart Notes There is also an extended Chart/Finance Notes:
Chart Notes
Your pop-up notes can also be viewed in Your Charts table. See:
(This differs for the iPhone)
Thirteen. They are:
1. Long-press over the aspect grid in full landscape brings up the aspects tableLong-press: full landscape2. Time Zone Update.
Long-press: time zone update3. Long-press Synastry button
Long-press: Synastry Button4. Long-press Secondary Progressions button
5. Long-press Solar Arc button
6. Long-press Natal button
This brings up the Natal Relocation view (from AC ver 2.53)
Aspect Hit - long press centre of chart/wheel when a natal chart is displayed (retired. Not available after ver 1.79). Now available from the top menu as a Lightning Bolt icon
7. Antiscia settings. Long-press centre of an Antiscia chart. Tap the Lightning Bolt icon, top menu when an Antiscia chart is displayed.
Save a Solar or Lunar return chart as a radix chart. Long-press centre of chart Tap the Lightning Bolt ico, top menu when a Solar or Lunar Return chart is displayed
Long-press: Saving a SR chart7. Full landscape #3 Midpoint settings. Long-press over midpoint listings to show Midpoint Settings view.
8. Profections Settings. Long-press over Profection button to show the Profection Settings view.
9. Pre-Natal Syzygy Settings. Long-press over Pre-Natal Syzygy button to show the Pre-Natal Syzygy Settings view.
10. Transit bi-wheel orb settings. Long-press over Transit menu button to show the Transit bi-wheel orb settings view.
Tap or click over the screenshot to enlarge.
11. Essential Dignities and Debilities Settings view. From AC ver 2.28
12. Aspect Listing - long press for Aspect table Settings view. From AC ver 2.28
13. Text Reports from Aspect Table
Knowledge Base - Aspect Table - Reports
Un-select the declination aspects from the Displayed Aspects/Lines table.
Clock time. Your local time. The time on your wristwatch or smart mobile phone. If a birth occurred in the evening, say 8 pm local time, then the time entered should be 8 pm. AstroConnexions takes care of the time zone and/or Summer time or Daylight saving time.
Tap the Lightning Bolt icon, when a natal/radix chart is being viewed top menu. The Time Map can be invoked from the Aspect Hit View.iPhone - not applicable
Knowledge Base - Aspect HitsNote that Aspect Hits for Secondary Progressions "Mean Quotidian" is not currently available.
Tap the Lightning Bolt icon, top menu, when a Solar or Lunar Return is displayed.
iPhone - this differs. Long-press bottom left when a SR/LR chart is displayed.
Saving a SR chart
The most likely reason is that the orb setting is too small.
By default AC's orb setting for a transit bi-wheel is one degree. Similarly, this orb size is used for many bi-wheels.
To change the Transit or Returns bi-wheel Orb go to Chart Calculations/Miscellaneous and change there.
Transit bi-wheel orb settings. Long-press over Transit menu button to show the Transit bi-wheel orb settings view. Blog - Configure AstroConnexions Knowledge Base - Aspect Grids
Here are some example screenshots
Filtered Aspects:
See: Filtered Aspects
No, but there is an alternative which you may like. here are some screenshots and links:Knowledge Base - Midpoint Trees
Knowledge Base - Midpoint Tree Aspect Lines
Yes, AstroConnexions is Ad free. And always will be.No analytics are incorporated into AC. Many apps send data from their app with details of when and how you use it. AC does not.
Here's a summary of the methods provided by AC to import you chart files from other astrology programs.
No. They are classed as Natal/Radix charts, therefore, they use the natal chart (variable) orbs for single-wheel charts, and (fixed) orbs for bi-wheel charts. Variable orbs - this means that an orb for a square may be set at 8 degrees, whilst a sextile may be set at 4 degrees, etc. For bi-wheels, the setting is fixed often at 1 degree, so that a square orb is the same as a sextile orb.
AC's documentation refers to variable and fixed orbs. What does that mean? Variable orbs - this means that an orb for a square may be set at 8 degrees, whilst a sextile may be set at 4 degrees, etc. Used by Natal/Radix charts. An antiscia chart may have a fixed or variable orb setting. For bi-wheels, the setting is fixed often at 1 degree, so that a square orb is the same as a sextile orb. For secondary progressions and solar arc, etc. This is common astrological practice, I believe.
These aspects are what's happening in the sky at any given moment.
Don't own an iPad? Want to use AstroConnexions?
AC works great with all iPads. But 8.3” iPad mini is only 95% UI compatible - all functions/calculations work it’s just the display on some full landscape views are not perfect.
iPad 2 is NOT recommended.
I've got 2 iPads/iPhones. Are my saved AC chart files shared? Or another way of putting it would be: if I save a chart file on one device will I be able to load it on the other?
No. Each instance of the app has its own separate database. Of course AC chart files can be exported to DropBox and then imported into AC which goes some way in alleviating the lack of shared/common chart files.
1. Export AC chart files from iPad #1 to dropbox. Note AC chart files are copied, not moved, to your dropbox.
2. Import AC files from dropbox into iPad #2.
That's it. Done.
But. A free dropbox account - which you will have to get yourself - is necessary for import and export.
Get DropBox account (US)
Are there any in-app purchases or other things to buy after I have purchased AC?
That depends. If you are an influential or popular astrologer, probably.If you have an influential or popular astrology website, probably.Otherwise, no.
A promo code is an Apple generated code issued by the developer of an app to various people to help promote their app. They get the app for free. Often also issued to interested friends and relatives. This is what you would get if you were given a free copy of AC. It includes all future updates. It's Identical to the paid app.
A promo code relates only to the version of the app that the code was generated for. Once an app update is released, all previous unused promo codes become invalid.
Each code is valid for 28 days after it was requested by the developer and can only be used once.
Please request a promo code if you think you qualify. Use email support.
iPhone see:
AC for the iPhone
AC is ready for silicon (M1/M2/M3) Macs. iF you bought the iPad version this version can be downloaded free on any silicon Mac. If you do not have the iPad version of AC the Mac versions is £19.99.
Knowledge Base - AC on a Mac
One, me. Roger Pearson. It keeps things simple.
No natal chart analysis, but ver 2.41 has aspect analysis for progressed and directed charts to the radix (not every aspect though).
AC Knowledge Base - Reports/Analysis
AC for the iPhone is available now.
AC for the iPhone
Only the AC app is updated. Your data, settings and charts do not get altered.
Where can I find the Decans?
Note that the plain chart does not show Terms or Triplicities as it would be impractical to do so.
Bi-wheel's do not show the Terms or Triplicities. Screenshot taken from AC ver 2.28 From AC ver 2.28 there is a full landscape view of the Essential Dignities and Debilities of the planets, view #9.
Once installed or updated via wi-fi from the Apple app store AC does not require wi-fi or to be connected to the internet, except for:
- Finance Graph, view #6
- Fixed Stars table web link
- AC routines that require a connection to dropbox, eg exporting or importing chart files.
No. AC can only be legally purchased via the iOS Apple app store.
For those interested Apple take 15% of AC's selling price, and then there's VAT if applicable.
Is AC or its author affiliated with any astrological organisation? No.
Sorry, no. Is the website available in any language other than English? Sorry, no.
Bi-wheels use an overriding orb often 1 degree. Individual orbs work for natal/radix charts.
You want to look at a number of charts without opening each one to the main page. Can this be done? Yes - iPad only
Knowledge Base - Browse Charts
No. AC is specifically designed for landscape orientation. AC for the iPhone is portrait orientation only
The position of POF and POS depends on the setting found here:
Their positions will be reversed depending on the settings: Different Day or Night/Fixed. Astrologers differ as to which is the correct setting.
Affects bi-wheel Aspect grids - full landscape. Ensure the bi-wheel Transit orb is set to one degree.
Thinking of getting an old iPad? Used iPad 2's can be bought for as little as £65.00 from eBay. AC can't be be used on an iPad 2.The iPad 2, although a great iPad in its day is now approx 12 years old, and can't be upgraded past iPadOS 9.35. AC requires iPadOS 12 minimum. Better to get a more recent iPad.
Yes. This mainly applies to iPad Pro's.
Always make sure that the default setting is used.
My charts always show the Sun on the ASC! Why? You probably have Solar Charts ticked. Look at the bottom of the Default Settings.
Relocate a transit chart? Yes, from AC version 2.81.
This is the way AC works, and most other astro software. All charts are calculated from the natal/radix chart. Their data is not directly editable. But.... Transit charts can be relocated. Return charts can be relocated. Which is what most users have asked for. Note that all calculated charts have their data listed in the speculum.
Very much so. Often their functions are identical. However most views have had to reduced for iPhone due to the limited display size. Full landscape articles do not apply to the iPhone
For instance my day of birth is a Sunday - my AC birth chart shows Saturday. This is invariably caused by an incorrect calendar setting.
Note that your Mac/iPad/iPhone Calendar must be set to the Gregorian Calendar. This is set by default for the Anglosphere, Europe, South America. In countries such as Thailand the default calendar setting is Bhuddhist and has to be changed. See AC knowledge base: