Aspect Interpretations
Examples – iPhone 12
Speculum- modern aspect interpretations
Aspect Table long-press over a record – modern interpretation
What planets/points are available for Modern Aspect Interpretation?
Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune Pluto, Chiron, Asc, MC, Moon’s North Node.
What aspect values are available?
0, 60, 90, 120, 180 – conjunction, sextile, square, trine, opposition.
Note 45 and 135 are available vis settings.
For Medieval see Medieval aspect interpretations link below.
AC has two types of Aspect interpretation
Medieval eg Lilly, Leo (Leo is 20th century, but for convenience included in medieval category)
Both can be accessed from the Speculum and long-press Aspect Table records
Medieval eg Lilly, Leo
Medieval aspect interpretations
Modern – this article
Access to the aspect interpretations
Medieval – via Aspect Table – long-press where + marker is shown. For Secondary Progressions and Solar Arc. Available for Speculum.
Modern – interpretations are available via the Aspect Table and Speculum for many aspects. For single-wheel and bi-wheel. Most charts inc natal/radix. Uranian not available.
After the aspect table is populated note the + marker. This indicates an AC medieval aspect report is available for that particular aspect. Note that for modern aspect interpretations the + marker is not shown.
Aspects that do not have a corresponding interpretation are ignored.
The arrows indicate those settings that also affect Speculum aspect interpretations when accessing Medieval Interpretations.
if Modern Aspect Interpretations is selected (dee below), medieval aspect interpretations are not available for the Aspect Table.
As the iPhone…