There can be two Lunar Returns in a calendar month
How does AstroConnexions handle this?
Animated Gif
When two Lunar Returns occur in the same month, AstroConnexions show the first and presents another button of a blue crescent Moon. Tap the blue crescent Moon to show the next Lunar Return occurrence in that month.
Tap the blue moon icon to see the next LR.
Note. iPhone – two LR’s in month can only be viewed by tapping the forward button.
Bug fix: If Lunar Return has two returns in a month and first one is being viewed. Prevent 2nd LR in month being triggered if full landscape view #1 or #2 is selected. From AC ver 2.93
Note that the second LR (in the same month) should be selected from the main view and not from the full landscape view, view #1 or #2
A slightly different approach is used. To be continued..