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    There can be two Lunar Returns in a calendar month

    How does AstroConnexions handle this?

    Animated Gif

    Two LR's in a month

    Two LR’s in a month


    Lunar Return showing additional Moon button

    Lunar Return showing additional Moon button


    When two Lunar Returns occur in the same month, AstroConnexions show the first and presents another button of a blue crescent Moon. Tap the blue crescent Moon to show the next Lunar Return occurrence in that month.


    Lunar Return showing next

    Lunar Return showing next occurrence


    Lunar Returns - 2 in a month

    Lunar Returns – 2 in a month

    Tap the blue moon icon to see the next LR.

    Note. iPhone – two LR’s in month can only be viewed by tapping the forward button.

    Bug fix: If Lunar Return has two returns in a month and first one is being viewed. Prevent 2nd LR in month being triggered if full landscape view #1 or #2 is selected. From AC ver 2.93

    Note that the second LR (in the same month) should be selected from the main view and not from the full landscape view, view #1 or #2


    A slightly different approach is used. To be continued..