Article sections

    Overview: Importing and Exporting Charts

    Exporting and Importing is always done via Drop Box. A free account is fine for this purpose.

    Connecting to Dropbox – ensure you have a connection.

    Connecting to Dropbox

    Exporting Charts from AstroConnexions can be done

    1. Singularly
    2. Batch/bulk

    Exporting Charts from AstroConnexions are for Importing into

    1. Solar Fire (Windows)
    2. Astro Gold (iOS)
    3. AstroConnexions

    Exporting Charts from Solar Fire or Astro Gold (for importing into AC)

    1. .SFcht – Solar Fire and Astro Gold
    2. ..txt – Solar Fire
    3. .qck – Quick Charts files – Solar Fire

    Importing Charts into AC


    Exporting Charts from AC



    Left Swipe for Export

    Left Swipe for Export


    Batch or Bulk

    Batch Export and Delete Your Charts

    Batch Export and Delete Your Charts

    The files exported to Drop Box are .acc for astroConnexions, or .txt files for Solar Fire

    Please review the Export and Import articles in the AC Knowledge Base for more detailed information