Annual Profections
iPhone – Profections and Pre-Natal Syzygy
iPhone Profection for Bush
Profections and Whole-Sign houses
When selecting the whole-sign option both single and double-wheel profection charts will have their cusps automatically set to whole-sign. If your radix/Natal chart is not originally whole-sign reload the natal chart to revert back to the radix/natal house system.
Or select the Radix button instead of whole-sign when finished with Profections. And tap the Update button.
Declinations aren’t calculated because the position of a profected planet or point cannot have a valid declination as a profected direction is symbolic.
Hellenistic Astrology, Chris Brennan, 2017
Astrological Prediction: A Handbook of Techniques by Öner Döşer, Cazimi Press 2015