Article sections

    Parallax Moon

    Parallax Moon Settings



    Bitcoin Parallax Moon

    Bitcoin radix with Parallax Moon

    Lunar Return, with Parallax Moon for Bitcoin

    Bitcoin Lunar Return with Parallax Moon

    Bitcoin Lunar Return with Parallax Moon

    Compare AC chart with with Solar Fire ver 9, Windows desktop program chart:

    BitCoin Lunar return Parallax 16th Dec 2018

    BitCoin Lunar Return with Parallax moon

    Lunar Return – relocated, with Parallax Moon for Bitcoin


    Bitcoin Lunar Return - Relocated with Parallax Moon

    Bitcoin Lunar Return – Relocated with Parallax Moon

    Compare AC chart with with Solar Fire ver 9, Windows desktop program chart:

    Bitcoin Parallax Lunar Return - relocated

    Bitcoin Parallax Lunar Return – relocated


    Lunar Return – precession corrected, with Parallax Moon for Bitcoin

    Lunar Return - Precession Corrected with Parallax Moon

    Lunar Return – Precession Corrected with Parallax Moon


    Compare AC chart with with Solar Fire ver 9, Windows desktop program chart:


    Bitcoin Lunar Return precession corrected. with Parallax Moon

    Bitcoin Lunar Return precession corrected. with Parallax Moon

    Saving Lunar Returns with Parallax Moon

    Note that the date/time for a parallax Moon LR is different from a non-parallax Moon LR return. See the Lunar returns for Bitcoin – screenshots:

    Bitcoin LR non-parallax Moon

    Bitcoin LR non-parallax Moon

    Bitcoin LR parallax Moon

    Bitcoin LR parallax Moon


    This means that a LR saved as a radix with a parallax Moon can only be displayed correctly when the parallax Moon option is selected. This means that a LR saved as a radix with a non-parallax Moon can only be displayed correctly when the parallax Moon option is not selected.


    Parallax Moon Option

    Parallax Moon Option

    Moon’s parallax for Eclipse

    Moon’s parallax for a Lunar Eclipse is not available. If the parallax option is selected prior to calculating an eclipse chart the parallax option is switched off automatically by AC.



    in MoonParallax Moon