Relocated Natal Charts – preview and save
Example Chart (not saved) – reviewing .
Previewing a relocated chart and Saving it – Video
Note: long-press over Natal (shown with purple background) to see the settings and to preview a chart
Long-press for Natal – Relocation settings and to preview a Natal chart’s relocation
Natal – Relocation Settings and preview chart
Notes and Caveats of a relocated Natal chart.
- Selecting Full Landscape results in the original Natal chart becoming active.
- Date and Time buttons are disabled when previewing a Relocated chart.
- Go forward and go backward in time buttons are disabled when previewing a Relocated chart.
- No other type of chart is allowed. Bi-wheels are also not allowed.
- The aspect table is available.
- Only Natal Charts can be relocated and saved.
- Relocated Charts cannot be relocated again. The original Natal chart can be relocated many times. Requires a different chart Name.
- If a Relocated Natal chart is loaded on launch of AC the Natal – Relocation view/settings option will be set to Natal.
- Similarly if a Relocated Natal chart is selected from the Chart List Table.
- A Relocated Natal chart cannot be saved again as a Relocated Chart.
An unsaved relocated natal chart can only be reviewed and not manipulated in any way until saved.
A saved relocated natal chart is as functional as the original natal chart.
To view as a Transit/Progressed/Directed Relocated Natal chart Save the chart when previewing it. Tap the Save Natal button. This will save the chart as a relocated Natal chart which can then be manipulated as a normal natal chart in the usual way, eg transits, sec progs, solar arcs, etc.
Not available when previewing Relocation Charts
If you’e wondering how to get rid of this notice (which pops-up every time you tap on a control) this is what to do: long-press over the Natal menu (see Long-press for Natal – Relocation screenshot 2, above) and tap Natal as shown below:
Knowledge Base: Relocated Natal Chart and Time Zone tests/comparison