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    Moon’s Nodes, Lilith, Fixed Stars

    If the North Node and South Node is selected to be displayed in a chart you may want to disable the aspects to the South Node as shown in the Aspect table and lists such as the Speculum.

    Assuming that the South and North Node is selected as in the Displayed Planets table (1st screenshot). And the option to show South node aspects in the aspect table is selected (2nd screenshot):


    North and South Node Selected

    North and South Node Selected

    Setting for South Node Aspects

    Note the speculum displays South Node aspects independently of the aspect table selection.


    Node aspects

    Node aspects

    These global settings are saved, if changed.

    This chart displays both North and South Nodes. The Aspect table shows aspects to the North and/or South Node if All is selected.

    Showing aspects to South and North Node

    Showing aspects to South and North Node

    The option to show the South Nodes’ aspects are switched off.

    South Node aspects not shown

    South Node aspects not shown in lists, eg Gauquelin sectors, Aspect Tables, Speculum



    The resultant Aspect table.

    Aspects to the South Node are not shown


    Note the setting for aspects lines for the example chart:

    South Node aspects lines not selected

    South Node aspects lines not selected

    Aspect lines are not affected by the South Node option to display aspects in the Aspect table, and other lists


    Eclipse aspects to the Nodes are affected:


    Eclipse aspects to Nodes

    Eclipse aspects to Nodes


    in Black MoonLilithLunar NodeNodesSouh Node