Article sections

    Double-tap, scrolling, pinching and zooming

    Available for all charts: Your Charts and Provided Charts.

    Double-Tap zooms the screen.

    Double-tap again to get back to where you were previously.

    Double-tap and zooming – animated GIF

    Double-tap and zooming

    Double-tap and zooming – animated GIF

    1. Double-tap to start
    2. Scroll or pinch. Single-tap over approx position of planet glyph to see properties, eg declination
    3. Double-tap to revert back and stop


    Zoom and Gesture Settings

    Zoom and Gesture Settings


    From AC ver 2.21


    Zoom - improved settings

    Zoom – improved settings

    in Display Text SizeDisplay ZoomDouble-tapSingle-TapSwipingZoom