Filtered Aspects
Note from ver 2.61 Filtered Aspects Settings has been removed for simplicity.
Aspect Table with new functions, buttons
The Filtered Selected Planets table – note the Refresh Button
The aspect table shows those aspects that a planet can traditionally cast an aspect to. For example Venus can cast aspects to Jupiter, Saturn and so on. Neptune to Pluto only. However, the chart lines show all associated aspects as well. For example a filtered Asc will show an aspect to the Node in the aspect table but generally planets aspect points, so selecting the Asc to filter may not show any aspects in the Aspect table. The chart will.
Filtered Aspect settings and Filtered Selected Planets/Points are saved.
Please note: filtered aspects not available for the full landscape long-press Aspect Table view.
Aspect lines to the Asc, MC
Aspect lines to the Asc and MC now available – selectable. On by default.