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    Exporting Charts from AstroConnexions

    Updated 4th Jan 2022.

    1. For txt files suitable for import into Solar Fire
    2. For acc files suitable for import into AstroConnexions.

    See this also, for Bulk/Batch Export to Dropbox.

    Batch Export to Dropbox

    You must have a Dropbox account. A free account is fine for this purpose.

    First use the Import AC Charts button to establish a connection to your Dropbox.

    1. Tap the Import AC Charts button. Or any button that allows a connection to Dropbox
    2. Tap the Disconnect from Dropbox button, then
    3. Tap the Connect to Dropbox – AC folder
    4. Tap the Import AC Charts button to remove the view or ta[ outside the Import form.
    5. Tap the Import AC Chart button again – Connected!
    Import AC charts

    1. Import AC charts


    Tap the Connect Dropbox – AC folder

    Tap to Connect to Dropbox

    Tap to Connect to Dropbox


    Result of tapping the Connect to Dropbox – AC folder


    AC Dropbox connection form

    AC Dropbox connection form

    Connected – if you have any previously saved files they will now be listed.


    Connected to Dropbox for sure

    Connected to Dropbox for sure


    Connect to DropBox. Import Provided charts.

    Connect to Dropbox. Import Provided charts – Import AC Charts (.acc), from ver 1.95


    To Export an AC chart as a compatible txt file suitable for import into Solar Fire (Windows program)

    Left swipe a record when listing a Chart and tap Export SF. A text file (using the chart’s name as the file name, eg Adolf Hitler.txt) of the charts basic details is exported to your Dropbox AstroConnexions App folder:


    Left Swipe for Export

    Please note that this is the same procedure if exporting by swiping from the Provided Charts list:


    Provided Charts

    Provided Charts

    Import the text/csv file into Solar Fire

    SF Chart Export Menu

    SF Chart Export Menu


    Ascii Format Simple Text

    Ascii Format Simple Text


    Click the Edit Ascii Formats…

    Arrange the Fields as shown below, and Save. Ensure Comma Quote Delimited is selected.

    Simple Text Format

    Simple Text Format


    SFcht File Location

    SFcht File Location


    Exported text File Location

    Exported text File Location


    Now click the Convert button. To finish the operation you should locate the SFcht file which will list the charts imported – use the Open Chart menu option


    CSV file format

    Here’s an example of the expected CSV format (which is automatically generated by AstroConnexions).

    DMC,31 Mar 1964,15:31:00,5.0,EST,Manhattan,United States,40N46,73W59

    Chart Name, Date, Time, Zone Time, Zone Abbreviation, Place Name, Country/State, Latitude,Longitude

    Expanded for clarity and understanding:

    Chart Name (DMC)

    , Date (31 Mar 1964)

    , Time (15:31:00)

    , Zone Time (5.0)

    , Zone Abbreviation (EST)

    , Place Name (Manhattan)

    , Country/State (United States)

    , Latitude(40N46)

    ,Longitude (73W59)

    Please note that these files should not be used to import back into AC, using the import Solar Fire Charts option. Please see:

    Exporting Charts from Solar Fire for Import into AC

    To Export an AC chart as a compatible .acc file suitable for (later) import back into AstroConnexions

    Left swipe a record when listing a Chart and tap Export AC. A text file (using the chart’s name as the file name, eg Adolf Hitler.acc) of the charts basic details is exported to your Dropbox AstroConnexions App folder.

    Left Swipe for Export

    Left Swipe for Export

    Import the AC .acc file:

    This menu was previously Import Provided Charts

    Import AC Charts

    Tap a record, eg DMC.acc (a tick – √ – will appear to the right) and tap Import Into AC.