AstroConnexions is the most comprehensive astrology charting app for your iPad.
Designed, from scratch, to make it easy to do what astrologers do every day.
It features a unique and powerful design to make your life easier.
The hassle is cut to the bone. I think you’ll agree.
AstroConnexions is designed specifically to be used in landscape mode.
Now available for silicon Macs
Note that your iPad Calendar must be set to the Gregorian Calendar. This is set by default for the Anglosphere, Europe, South America. In countries such as Thailand the default Bhuddhist calendar setting has to be changed. See AC knowledge base.
Natal charts, incl horary, historical etc
- Solar and Lunar Returns – with relocation and precession-correction
- Transits
- Secondary progressions (by Naibod RA or Long, or Quotidian. Progress MC by Solar Arc in long, ver 2.07)
- Solar Arc directions (by Naibod RA or Long)
- Synastry – relationship (comparison and composite)
- Antiscia
- Annual Profections
- Zodiacal Releasing from Spirit/Fortune – via full landscape view #4
- Midpoint Trees – via full landscape view #3
- Pre-Natal Syzygy
- Eclipse – Solar and Lunar
- Ingress – all major planets, inc Solar and Lunar
- Gauquelin Sectors
- Sidereal charts
- Heliocentric charts
- Draconic natal charts
New, Edit, and Save charts
- Comprehensive chart search and group facilities
- Full landscape view of charts – show Qualities and Elements, and/or Fixed stars list
- Extensive time zone and geographical database
- Use a map to choose lat and long. Use your current location for all new charts
Terms, triplicities, dignities, aspects
- Terms (Ptolemy or Egyptian) and triplicities
Essential dignities and debilities
Day and Hour Lords
- Full set of aspects
Traditional table of aspects.
Variety of ways to view aspects by table record
User definable aspect orbs
Moon’s applying aspects can be viewed individually on the chart
House Systems
- Many house systems (Placidus, Regio, Whole-sign, etc)
- Terms (Ptolemy or Egyptian) and triplicities
Terms, triplicities, dignities, aspects
- Terms (Ptolemy or Egyptian) and triplicities
Essential dignities and debilities
Day and Hour Lords
- Full set of aspects
Traditional table of aspects.
Variety of ways to view aspects by table record
User definable aspect orbs
Moon’s applying aspects can be viewed individually on the chart
House Systems
- Many house systems (Placidus, Regio, Whole-sign, etc)
- Terms (Ptolemy or Egyptian) and triplicities
Bi-wheels, Import/export charts...
Single and Bi-wheels
- for transits, progressions, directions SR and LR
- Go forward or backwards in time. Choose the step interval: 1-20. By Years, Months, Days, Hours, or Minutes
Chart Listing:
- Easily find a chart, with browse button (review any chart with tap) and search ability
Order chart list by name or most recent created date.
Group and search within by chart type (Natal/Horary/Solar Return/Lunar Return/Comparison/Composite) and/or chart category (Politics, Entertainment, etc).
- Display user-selectable aspects lines, eg shown only hard aspects
Show aspect lines or not - Which planets/points should be aspected – from a selectable list. Eg Show/Don’t show aspect lines to North Node
Import charts
- from Solar Fire (Windows) via DropBox
- SFcht files from Astro Gold iOS) or Solar Fire (Windows)
- Quick*Charts from Solar Fire and other astrology programs
Export Charts
- (as CSV files) from AstroConnexions to Solar Fire via DropBox
Old Style (OS) dates. New Style (NS) dates.
- LAT and LMT handled
- Long, Speed, Lat, Declination, RA for planets/points, eclipse, fixed stars, antiscia. Bi-wheel positions. Aspects.
Fixed stars, Colour themes...
- Tap on planet or part to view its details, eg latitude, speed
Fixed Stars
- Prominent fixed stars are shown on the chart. Details available from fixed stars pop-up table
- User-defined fixed star prominence
- User-defined orbs
- Declination and Longitude
- Charts can be coloured to individual taste, including fills
App has many colour themes
- True or mean Lunar Node
Proportional and non-proportional charts, Arabian Parts
- Proportional and non-proportional charts – proportional with terms and triplicities
Arabian Parts:
- Part of Fortune
- Part of Spirit
- Part of Eros (Love) or Part of Marriage (Frawley)
- Part of Necessity
- Part of Courage
- Part of Victory
- Part of Nemesis
- All parts can be configured for day or night, or fixed
POF and POS can be configured as per Frawley for SR and LR charts
Fixed stars
- Are shown in the chart with an asterisk. Tap on the fixed stars table record to highlight the fixed star position
- Fixed stars conj Asc or MC are shown in a different colour and slightly offset to conj to planets.
Moon’s aspects
- The moon’s aspects play an important role in Horary astrology, so…
- Opening the moons aspect table immediately removes all other aspect lines. This allows you to concentrate on the moon’s aspects
- Clicking on a record highlights that aspect line by removing all other aspects lines
Provided Charts
- Hundreds of Charts (from Astro Data Bank) provided with Rodden rating. Arranged in groups such as Crime, Politics.
- Antiscia aspects for all charts
- Bi-wheel Antiscia Charts from Natal
Extra Points and asteroids
- Vertex, East Point, Lilith, Selena
- Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta
- Makemake (from AC ver 2.37), Sedna, Haumea, Eris,
Long press
- Long Press Solar Or Lunar Return Button to conveniently view Relocation/Precession popover settings
- Long Press Natal button to conveniently view Relocation Chart settings
- Long Press Secondary Progressions button to conveniently view its associated settings form
- Long Press Solar Arc button to conveniently view its associated settings form
- Other long-press options
- Ayanamsha listings – used with Solar or Lunar Return precession
Air Printing – for most views
Additional Options/Settings
- Lilith – Mean or True
- Fixed stars – show in chart – yes/no
- Chart Name field – capitalise by word or sentence
- Round Asc/MC values.
Solar and Lunar Eclipse
Positions, prior and after date of birth or progression/directions/returns
Eclipse aspects by conjunction or major aspect
Eclipse glyphs displayed in charts
Chart Notes pop-up
Enter and view your chart notes via pop-up on the main screen
Miscellaneous Settings
User-defined bi-wheel orb for Transits, Returns. Default chart when selecting bi-wheel, if Natal chart.
Info message suppression.Other
More menu options on full landscape page: Chart Type, Eclipse positions, and aspects.
Another landscape view, for single-wheel, and bi-wheel.
Long-press over aspect grid. Displays aspect table.
Aspect Hits/Aspect Hits Time Map. Aspect Hits for midpoints.
Favourite Charts
Midpoints – via full landscape View #3, or via grid view, bottom left.
Temporary house system
Double tap chart to zoom out, double tap to resume.
Chart Notes for full landscape
Financial and Crypto Notes for full landscape
Financial graph linked to radix chart and aspect hits
Analysis of financial CITs and aspect hits to calculate accuracy
Gauquelin Sectors
Parallax Moon.
1. Chaldean – only available with traditional planets, as to be expected (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn)
2. Traditional – with traditional planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn)
3. Traditional – with some outer planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. plus: Uranus, Neptune, Pluto)
Horary Charts
Show only applying major aspects in the Aspect Table (bottom left) – a preferred traditional astrology setting.
Fixed Stars
Show only aspects in longitude in the Aspect Table (bottom left)
Chaldean Terms
Reports/Analysis, including basic strength and debility calculations for Progressions and Directions to Radix:
- Aspect Table.
- Bi-wheel only.
- View/Inspect Reports Database anytime.
- Full landscape – all views that show an aspect grid – long-press
- Your Charts and Provided Chart
- Excludes Antiscia and Midpoint aspects
- 439 reports from Lilly, Partridge, and Leo
Orbs/moiety of planets used in traditional astrology
Snapshots. Available for transits, secondary progressions, solar arcs. Single and bi-wheel charts. For Your Charts.
Relocated Natal charts. For Your Charts
Aspects to house cusps
User-defined aspect value
Aspect Receptions table, by term, trip, face, dignity, debility.
Edit a chart’s lat and long.
csv export for Aspect Hits
Transit Relocation Charts
Primary Directions
- Tropical and Sidereal.
- Radix/natal only. Your Charts and Provided Charts
- Keys: Naibod, Ptolemy, Cardan
- Type: Zodiacal, Placidus semi-arc
- Aspects of Promissors to Significators
- Direct And Converse
- Terms to Asc
- Latitude: None, Promissor, Significator, Both.
Rectification module for Primary Directions.
Added Zodiacal Releasing from Fortune
AC Available for silicon Macs
Draconic Natal,Charts
Planetary Sect