Article sections

    Import Quick*Charts

    Updated 19th July 2018

    See also 

    Import quick charts and reverse geocoder

    Most desktop astrology applications can export their charts files in the quick*chart format. These files can be imported into AstroConnexions.

    A quick chart file can have one or more chart files:


    Charts in a quickchart file

    Example charts in a quick chart file, extension qck


    The file with a qck extension should be placed in your apps/AstroConnexions Dropbox folder.


    Importing Quick Charts into AC - progress

    Importing Quick Charts into AC – progress, improved – see below


    Import Quick charts processing

    Import Quick charts processing – new for ver 1.95. Number of charts/Chart Name/Number of charts processed, eg 999 Calvert,Michel-Marie/ 671



    Here’s a video that shows part of the process of importing quick*charts.

    Importing Quick Charts

    iPad used for Video: iPad Air 2.



    Quick Charts files

    Quick Charts files


    Duplicate charts -already imported

    Duplicate charts -already imported

    All = everything the report has garnered about the import results

    Duplicates = charts already imported and/or charts with the same name

    Time Zone Error = charts that don’t have a town/city in the AstroConnexions database. These charts should be created separately and the map search option used.

    Success = the number of charts successfully imported.


    Import Limitations and Caveats

    Not all quick*chart files can be imported into AstroConnexions. This is due to a number of factors:


    Spelling mistakes, typos, differences in town/city naming, very obscure villages, corrupted files, etc. Here’s some truncated quick*chart example files eg

    “Stoppard,Miriam        MAY 12, 193705:00:00 AM BST-01:00001W35’00 54N59’00 Newcastle upon Tyne, Engla”

    “Roberts,Robin          NOV 23, 196010:30:00 AM CST+06:00089W14’51 30N18’56 Pass Christian, Mississipp”


    These files/charts can be handled by the Reverse Geocoder


    Import quick charts and reverse geocoder



    Solar Fire Gold ver 9, Export Dialog boxes

    Here’s a couple of screenshots from (Windows) Solar Fire Gold ver 9. They show a configured export dialog box.

    Selecting a Solar Fire chart for export

    Selecting a Solar Fire chart for export


    Export quick charts SF dialog

    Export quick charts SF dialog

    Very large quick chart files

    Quick chart files are text files so they can be loaded into a text editor and modified.

    The process of loading, processing and analysing 10’s of thousands of quick charts can be slow. It may more convenient to divide a large qck chart file into smaller ones, and save to your Dropbox AC folder. One reason for doing this is that there may be many chart records that require using AC’s geocoder.

    Why doesn’t AC process geocoding as a batch. Apple applies a restriction:

    The geocoding service which supports CLGeocoder is not meant to batch geocode locations, but is meant to be used as necessary as the device moves, and places and addresses need to be shown to the users. Selectively and sparingly. If you must, the general rule of thumb is to not send more than one geocoding request per minute.

    Don’t forget to use the extension qck for your files.

    Using a Mac and TextWrangler

    Saving a qck file – must be Windows (CRLF), and Western (Mac OS Roman)









    in DropboxImport QuickCharts