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    Aspect Hits Time Map is a graphical representation of the aspect hits list generated by the Aspect Hit view.

    Available for Your Charts and Provided Charts


    The characters for Entering (E), Exact (X), and leaving (L) are the same as used in the Aspect Hits View table.

    Similarly, the characters for secondary progressed (p), radix/natal (r), transit (t), Solar Arc (d) are the same as used in the Aspect Hits table.


    The Time Map and Aspect View Hits can be used with your charts and provided charts.


    The Time Map view can only be accessed from the Aspect Hits View. The Time Map will only be shown if some aspect hits have been calculated.


    Time Map Button

    Time Map Button


    Time Map example #4 Quarterly

    Time Map example – Quarterly


    Swipe left or right to view all the horizontal cells. Swipe up/down to view all the vertical cells.


    Time Map example #2 - Yearly

    Time Map example #1 – Yearly – continuous cell colouring



    Time Map example #2 - Yearly

    Time Map example #2 – Yearly – non-continuous cell colouring, with EXL


    Showing Days/months instead of EXL

    Note selecting Months will show the day number for the month eg 25th of a particular month. Selecting Quarters or Years will show month numbers (1-12)


    Time Map Settings

    Time Map Settings


    in AspectsTime Map