Extended Notes – iPhone/iPad/Mac
from AC ver 1.24, iPad/Mac AC ver 3.17
The Speculum offers a way of displaying the current charts’ aspects and a corresponding interpretation text. But it lists all the aspects that have a corresponding interpretation text.
Extended Notes offers a way of listing an aspect and its corresponding Modern Aspect interpretation text (editable), but the choice of aspect + any notes you care to make is yours.
Note that traditional aspect interpretation, eg Lilly, Leo is not available for this procedure. Midpoints can be used with Extended Notes but there are no corresponding aspect interpretations, currently
For iPad/Mac see:
New menu options
Extended Notes summary (iPhone – scroll down for iPad/Mac)
- Ingress selection
- Aspect Table selection
- Notes – write a note (500 chars max). Three different types, aspect note, note, headline.
- Saved to AC’s database for future reference/display. For printing/PDF.
- Long-press record edit all saved Notes.
- Edit Button – move a record to a different position (reorder records)
- Swipe left to delete record
- Chart Notes Info = help
- Modern Aspect interpretation text – editable. Selectable. Auto insertion.
- Edit a record – long-press over a record. Add, delete, update, import (via paste).
- t = transit
- r = radix/natal
- p = progressed (Secondary Progression)
- d = direction (Solar Arc)
- -> = ingress
- s/S = separating aspect
- a/A = applying aspect
- Sep = aspect distance apart ie separation
To view eclipse aspects in Extended Notes ensure that Eclipse is selected in Displayed Planets
Extended Notes Settings
Extended Notes with Modern Aspect Interpretation auto inserted – editable
How to
Ensure Auto Insert Aspect Interpretation text switch is selected (see screenshot above – Settings)
- Tap Aspect icon (second from right at bottom)
- Select an aspect from the Aspect Table
- Tap Add Note icon (first from right at bottom)
- AC looks in the Modern Aspect interpretation database table and if it finds a corresponding aspect inserts the text, automatically.
- Modify text – add, delete etc – as required. Note that the amended text is not saved to the Modern Aspect Interpretations database table.
- Tap the Tick √ button to proceed with the modified/inserted text or the x button to cancel
- Tap Save. The text is saved to AC’s database and can be viewed and amended if the associated chart is displayed/loaded.
Add a Note
Extended Notes – initial View
Extended Notes – with an inserted Modern Aspect Interpretation
Extended Notes Print/PDF Preview
iPad/Mac screenshots
New Menu
Modern Aspect Interpretations
Tap a record to edit
Editing an aspect
Chart Notes with Auto-insert Modern Aspect Interpretations
To Insert Modern Aspect Interpretation Text
Ensure Auto Insert Aspect Interpretation text switch is selected (see screenshot above – Settings)
- Tap Aspect icon (second from right at bottom)
- Select an aspect from the Aspect Table
- Tap Add Note icon (first from right at bottom)
- AC looks in the Modern Aspect interpretation database table and if it finds a corresponding aspect inserts the text, automatically.
- Modify text – add, delete etc – as required. Note that the amended text is not saved to the Modern Aspect Interpretations database table.
- Tap the Done button to proceed with the modified/inserted text or the Cancel button to cancel.
- Tap Save. The text is saved to AC’s database and can be viewed and amended if the associated chart is displayed/loaded.
- To View your Notes go to View #7