How to create a Composite or Comparison synastry chart
Synastry: revised and updated – scroll to bottom of this page. From AC ver 2.52
Select either Composite or Comparison synastry chart – long-press the Synastry button and select.
Note that the individual natal charts (destined to create the synastry chart) have initially to be created in AC, or imported into AC.
- Select and display a Natal chart – it must be a natal chart. Other types of charts can’t be used for synastry charts.
- Tap Synastry. A list of all your Natal charts is presented. AC conveniently only displays natal charts.
3. Enter a unique Composite or Comparison chart name. In the example above the initial chart name is Queen Victoria. For a synastry chart name add + Albert. So now it reads Queen Victoria + Albert. Or You could write Queen Vic and Albert, or whatever you like.
4. Tap the associated second Natal chart record from the list. Albert, Prince Consort in this example.
The synastry chart is saved immediately to Your Charts database with the name Queen Victoria + Albert (Comparison). The type of synastry chart is appended to the chart name by AC.
Note: Comparison and Composite synastry charts are considered to be Natal charts for the purposes of AC.
Therefore to select a Comparison and Composite chart just do as you would a normal natal or horary chart.
Day or Hour Lords are not shown for Synastry charts.
See also
How AC displays Composite charts
Synastry: revised and updated to ensure keyboard doesn’t obscure the File Name text field
Available from AC ver 2.52
Keyboard doesn’t cover the File Name text field