Article sections

    Sidereal Zodiac

    Zodiac settings. Geocentric only. Sidereal or Tropical.

    Please note that the Tropical zodiac is the default setting when first installing AC on your iPad. If you have no intention of using the sidereal option there is no need to do anything. Please continue as usual.

    All chart screenshots use the Fagan/Bradley ayanamsha.

    iPhone screenshot

    Example Sidereal Lunar Mansions

    Example Sidereal Lunar Mansions

    To change zodiacs follow these steps:


    Settings menu

    Settings menu



    Settings for zodiac

    Settings for zodiac


    Zodiac Settings

    Zodiac Settings


    This is a chart setting so that if a chart is created or edited (and saved) the zodiac will either be Tropical or Sidereal depending on the setting. Tropical is the default, which is mostly used in Europe/USA. The sidereal option is used for Vedic charts – mostly used in India, but not exclusively. Please note that the last two sentences do not reflect the complicated/contentious choice of a zodiac by astrologers!

    • Once this setting is changed eg to Sidereal, all charts created will be for the Sidereal zodiac.
    • All charts incl Tropical charts edited and saved will then be Sidereal.

    To change the currently viewed chart to sidereal:

    1. Tap Sidereal on the Zodiac Settings – see screenshot above. Exit settings.
    2. Go to Options and tap Edit Chart, and then tap Save – see screenshots below. All done.


    Edit a chart

    Edit a chart

    Save a chart

    Save a chart



    Ayanamsha table

    Example Natal Chart – Albert Einstein

    Einstein Sidereal Natal

    Einstein Sidereal Natal

    if you haven’t named your charts either tropical or sidereal as in the above chart which is named Albert Einstein – Sidereal, how to recognise if a chart is tropical or sidereal?

    Look to the top right, if it doesn’t say Tropical then it’s Sidereal. You’ll see an ayanamsha if it’s sidereal. In this case Fagan/Bradley.

    Filter Your Charts

    Tap All, Tropical or Sidereal and tap away on the chart area to dismiss the Filter Chart record dialog. The Chart record table will then be updated with your choice of filter.

    The Filter Chart Records setting does not apply to the Provided Charts table listing.

    Filter Chart records

    Filter Chart records

    New and Edit Chart helpful Zodiac indicator


    New Chart Sidereal Indicator

    New Chart Sidereal Warning/Indicator


    New Chart Tropical Warning/Indicator

    New Chart Tropical Warning/Indicator

    This can be useful if Sidereal charts and/or Tropical charts are being created.

    This can be turned off. By default this setting is off.

    Zodiac type Warning/Indicator

    Zodiac type Warning/Indicator – settings


    Sidereal Chart Comparison. AC and Solar Fire Gold

    Knowledge Base – Sidereal Chart Comparison

    in AyanamshaSidereal ZodiacTropical ZodiacZodiac