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    House Cusp Aspects and Aspect Table Settings

    Planetary aspects to the house cusps shown in the Aspect Table and Speculum

    Natal, Transit, SA, Sec. Prog., SR, LR – single charts and bi-wheel charts. Tropical and Sidereal. Your Charts and Provided Charts.

    • For Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars Jupiter Saturn (Trad.), Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. (Trad + Outers)
    • Note: cusp aspects are not calculated for Midpoints, Eclipse, Antiscia and Fixed Stars and other objects.
    • Aspects to the ASC (1st house cusp) and MC (10th house cusps) are handled as per usual.
    • Aspects to the cusps are 0, 60, 90, 120. The conjunction (0) preferred to the opposition (180). Even if Allow all aspects is selected.
    • Aspects to the cusps are shown as, for example as Planet/Point to c5, ie an Aspect to house cusp 5.

    Please also see:

    Knowledge Base – Aspect Table

    Cusp Aspects and Aspect Table Settings

    Cusp Aspects and Aspect Table Settings

    Cusp Aspect/Aspect Table Settings

    Aspect Cusp and Aspect Table Settings

    Aspect Cusp and Aspect Table Settings

    Aspect Table showing Aspects to House Cusps – Tropical Zodiac

    Aspect Table - Aspects to Cusps

    Aspect Table – Aspects to Cusps

    Aspect Table showing Aspects to House Cusps – Sidereal Zodiac

    Aspect Table - Aspects to Cusp - Sidereal

    Aspect Table – Aspects to Cusp – Sidereal

    Problem Solved

    The image below shows part of a secondary progressed chart. This looks like a Mercury opposition to the 10th cusp but it’s not shown in the Aspect Table. Why?

    This looks like a Mercury opp to the 10th cusp but it's not shown in the Aspect Table

    This looks like a Mercury opp to the 10th cusp but it’s not shown in the Aspect Table

    1. Aspects to Cusps does not include aspect to the 4th or 10th cusps. They are handled in the normal way like other aspect calculations.
    2. The Cusp Aspect orb does not affect the normal operation of aspect calculation.
    3. The default aspect orb for a sec. prog. bi-wheel is one degree as in the example above.
    Cusp Aspect Orbs

    Cusp Aspect Orbs. Note the small star is a developer indicator the the cusp table is loaded. It will probably be removed.

    The solution is to increase the secondary progression orb to two degrees. The orb is shown top left. Now the aspect can be seen in the Aspect Table.

    Increasing the sec prog orb now shows a Mercury opp MC

    Increasing the sec prog orb now shows a Mercury opp MC

    Start with (Aspect Table)

    Tapping the Aspect Table icon brings-up the Aspect Table. This setting determines which aspects are initially shown.

    Note that View #10 has its own settings.

    Note that the Horary setting overrides the settings here. If the chart is a Horary chart.

    Knowledge Base – Aspect Table