AstroConnexions for the iPhone
Astrological charts in your pocket
Coming soon – AC for the latest iPhones:
- iPhone 16 Pro Max
- iPhone 16 Pro
- iPhone 16 Plus – available AC ver 1.11
- iPhone 16 – available AC ver 1.11
Requirements: iOS 17, 18+
Licenced to use the Swiss Ephemeris
Can I buy AC for the iPhone and how much will it cost?
Released 20th August 2024
Cost: £14.99. About US $18.
Where can I buy it? Only from the Apple App Store.
There’s an iPad/Mac version of AstroConnexions which I bought.
Do I have to purchase this again for my iPhone? Yes – the design is much different than the iPad, and took a long time to develop. Most of the underlying code is identical to the iPad version, and the saved charts are the same so they can be shared via dropBox
What are the differences?
Most of the iPad features are available for the iPhone except the iPhone version is portrait only. And no Aspect Hits or Financial views. Note that Primary Directions is now available for the iPhone.
Dark Mode is available too. Plus there are design modules for charts.
Now includes Primary Directions