Article sections

    Long-Press Options

    Long-press and Secondary Progressions

    Long-press and Secondary Progressions – shows long-press and secondary progressions settings on iPad Air 2 simulator on a Mac. It shows a mouse – on actual iPad long press with finger or thumb.

    iPhone Long-Press

    See Chart Settings for Antiscia Settings

    Long press for iPhone

    Long press for iPhone

    1. Long-press over the aspect grid in full landscape brings up the aspects table. Not for the iPhone.

    Long-press: full landscape

    2. Time Zone Update.

    Long-press: time zone update

    3. Long-press Synastry menu button

    Long-press: Synastry Button

    4. Long-press Secondary Progressions menu button

    Long Press - Secondary Progressions settings

    Long Press – Secondary Progressions settings

    5. Long-press Solar Arc button

    Long Press - Solar Arc settings

    Long Press – Solar Arc settings

    6. Long-press Natal button. Not for iPhone.

    This brings up the Natal Relocation view (from AC ver 2.53)

    Natal Relocation

    Natal Relocation

    7. Antiscia settings.Now changed to tap the Lightening Bolt, Main menu. From ver 1.79 – not for iPhone. Not for iPhone, see Chart Settings

    8. Save a Solar or Lunar return chart as a radix chart. Now changed to tap the Lightening Bolt, Main menu. From ver 1.79. Nor for iPhone – see below.

    For iPhone Long-Press bottom-lelt when a SR or LR chart is being viewed.

    Long Press SR LR save

    Long Press SR LR save

    Saving a SR chart

    7. Full landscape #3 Midpoint settings. Long-press over midpoint listings to show Midpoint Settings view. Not for iPhone, see Chart Settings

    8. Profections Settings. Long-press over Profection menu button to show the Profection Setting view. Not for iPhone, see Chart Settings

    Long Press for Profection settings

    Profection menu button

    Profection menu button

    9. Pre-Natal Syzygy Settings. Long-press over Pre-Natal Syzygy menu button to show the Pre-Natal Syzygy Settings view. Not for IPhone, see Chart Settings

    Einstein New Moon prior to birth

    Einstein New Moon prior to birth

    10. Transit bi-wheel orb settings. Long-press over Transit menu button to show the Transit bi-wheel orb settings view. AC ver 1.99

    10. Transit Relocation

    This has been removed and Transit Relocation is in its place, from AC ver 2.81


    Transit relocated charts - details

    Transit relocated charts – details



    Transit Bi-Wheel Orb setting


    Transit bi-wheel orb setting

    Transit bi-wheel orb setting


    This has been removed.

    Transit bi-wheel Orb

    Transit bi-wheel Orb – not available



    Text Reports from Aspect Table

    Knowledge Base – Aspect Table – Reports


    in Long-PressTransit Bi-Wheel OrbTransits