Article sections

    Long-Press Options


    Long-press and Secondary Progressions

    Long-press and Secondary Progressions – shows long-press and secondary progressions settings on iPad Air 2 simulator on a Mac. It shows a mouse – on actual iPad long press with finger or thumb.


    1. Long-press over the aspect grid in full landscape brings up the aspects table

    Long-press: full landscape

    2. Time Zone Update.

    Long-press: time zone update

    3. Long-press Synastry menu button

    Long-press: Synastry Button

    4. Long-press Secondary Progressions menu button

    Long Press - Secondary Progressions settings

    Long Press – Secondary Progressions settings

    5. Long-press Solar Arc button

    Long Press - Solar Arc settings

    Long Press – Solar Arc settings

    6. Long-press Natal button

    This brings up the Natal Relocation view (from AC ver 2.53)

    Natal Relocation

    Natal Relocation

    7. Antiscia settings. Long-press centre of an Antiscia chart. Now changed to tap the Lightening Bolt, Main menu. From ver 1.79

    8. Save a Solar or Lunar return chart as a radix chart. Long-press centre of chart when a Solar or Lunar Return chart is displayed. Now changed to tap the Lightening Bolt, Main menu. From ver 1.79.


    7. Full landscape #3 Midpoint settings. Long-press over midpoint listings to show Midpoint Settings view.

    8. Profections Settings. Long-press over Profection menu button to show the Profection Setting view.
    Long Press for Profection settings

    Profection menu button

    Profection menu button

    9. Pre-Natal Syzygy Settings. Long-press over Pre-Natal Syzygy menu button to show the Pre-Natal Syzygy Settings view.

    Einstein New Moon prior to birth

    Einstein New Moon prior to birth

    10. Transit bi-wheel orb settings. Long-press over Transit menu button to show the Transit bi-wheel orb settings view. AC ver 1.99
    10. Transit Relocation

    This has been removed and Transit Relocation is in its place, from AC ver 2.81


    Transit relocated charts - details

    Transit relocated charts – details



    Transit Bi-Wheel Orb setting


    Transit bi-wheel orb setting

    Transit bi-wheel orb setting


    This has been removed.

    Transit bi-wheel Orb

    Transit bi-wheel Orb – not available


    Text Reports from Aspect Table

    Knowledge Base – Aspect Table – Reports


    in Long-PressTransit Bi-Wheel OrbTransits