Article sections

    Add New Chart Category, Edit category.


    New Category

    New Category


    Add a category. Checks are made to ensure that a duplicate category cannot be added.


    Edit Category

    Edit Category


    Edit a category. Checks are made to ensure that an edited duplicate category cannot be added to the category list.

    Note that all charts with the original category have their category changed to the new edited category.

    Using Chart Categories

    Finding: Edit Chart, Or New Chart


    Categories – Edit Chart

    Categories List

    Categories List

    Say for instance you had a series of Horary questions asked about a certain person, or a series of questions asked by a particular client. You could then group these charts using Chart Categories

    So for instance if you have a particular friend or client and you want to group their charts under a Chart Category so the you can then only see their charts when listing Charts.

    Only list all charts that have the word “Test” in their name. A simple application of Chart Categories. Note that any chart can be listed in a Chart Category.

    New Chart category: Test. See start of this article above.
    Test Chart Category

    New Chart Category – Test

    Test appears in the Chart Category List

    Test appears in the Chart Category List

    These are the charts to be assigned to the Chart Category Test

    Chart Listing of charts with Test

    Chart Listing of charts with Test

    Now edit each Chart and assign each Chart to the Test Category. Tap Save.

    Assign Chart to Test category

    Assign Chart to Test category

    Change the category to Test

    Change Chart Category to Test

    Change Chart Category to Test

    Chart List Table

    Chart Listing of charts with Test

    Chart Listing of charts with Test

    For a new Series of clients or charts assign create a new Chart Group prior to casting charts and assign when creating a New Chart.

    Note to see every Chart change the Chart category to All

    in CategoryChart listings table