Quick Start Animated Gif’s
Here are some short animated GIF’s/Video’s, and screencasts
Selecting a Solar or Lunar Return
Two Lunar Returns in a month
Precession Corrected Lunar Return chart. Long-press over Lunar Return menu to see settings.
View current secondary progressions to the radix/natal chart
Changing the chart wheel.
Browsing Charts – for Your Charts too.
Aspect Hits – preparation and display

Aspect Hits to Bitcoin – since this GIF was made the Aspect Hits Results table is shorter so that the Crypto financial chart can be seen. See GIF below.
Aspect Hits to Bitcoin chart sync’d
Note that some of the icons have changed since these GIF’s were created.
Isolating bi-wheel aspects
Tap the aspect table record to isolate the aspect. Tap the same record to display all aspects or tap another aspect record to view an isolated aspect.
Why might this be useful? Aspects to radical positions from transiting/progress/directed planets/points can be difficult to see – this helps.
Go forward and backwards – examining a progressed aspect: MC p conj Venus r
Using the map for New and Edited Charts
Your Charts – show pop-up Notes
Show Chart Type