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    Add (or remove) a Fixed Star to the Prominent List

    The Fixed Stars table shows those planets or points that are conjunct a fixed star – see the first screenshot, below. The fixed stars that are used in this table are the ones shown as prominent, ie ticked in the Fixed Star List (Default Settings menu). Please see screenshot 3, below.

    Also, see:

    Fixed Stars aspect table


    Fixed Stars Aspects

    Fixed Stars Aspects table


    One of the fixed stars that some would consider that should be made prominent (for the purposes of this app) is Scheat. Note that by default, Scheat is not set as prominent. You might consider other fixed stars to be prominent – they should be added to the prominent list.

    Here’s some example ‘before’ and ‘after’ screenshots:

    (The Samantha natal chart uses test data for this example)


    No Fixed Star aspects in longitude

    No Fixed Star aspects in longitude – but some might be aware that Mars is close to the longitude of Scheat. How do we rectify this situation?


    Changing a Fixed Star in the Fixed Star List to be ‘prominent’


    Changing a Fixed Star to Prominent

    Change a Fixed Star to Prominent. To remove the tick tap the record again.


    Now returning to the Fixed Stars aspect table. Done!


    Fixed Star aspects table in longitude showing Mars conj Scheat

    Fixed Star aspects table in longitude showing Mars conj Scheat


    To remove a fixed star from the list remove the tick by tapping the fixed star record.


    in Fixed Stars