Configure AstroConnexions – iPhone 

Tailor it to your needs and specifications

Some of the screenshots are from the iPad version of AC – they apply to the iPhone version too.

Just bought AC? You can use AC immediately – the default settings should suffice until you get familiar with the app. You can look at changing things to your preference anytime.

Note that all settings are global and affect all charts, except those settings when creating a new chart or editing a new chart.

For instance if you decide to to display Chiron for the currently displayed chart every displayed chart will now display Chiron. If you decide to change an orb setting this will affect every displayed chart. Same with chart colours and themes and so on.

A new or edited chart has its own distinct settings. For example a chart could be Natal, with a Placidus house system. Another chart could be Horary with a Regio house system. Of course time of birth and country of birth are all unique to that chart.

All settings are saved so that closing down AC, or switching off your iPhone you will not lose any settings. On relaunch of AC all settings are restored. This is also the case when upgrading AC from the App Store, no settings are lost.

One thing that you may like to change asap is to include more fixed stars. For instance Scheat is not included in the default listing.

An Important iPhone setting – Display Zoom (iPhone 12 shown)

iPhone Display Zoom Setting

iPhone Display Zoom Setting


Depending on which setting is selected AC often shows slightly different views. Note that for Display Zoom not only is the text made larger but icons too. AC is carefully designed for either view.

The zoomed bi-wheel is missing the bi-wheel text shown on the non-zoomed (default) – first screenshot view.

For example here’s the main Chart Display View showing the difference:

Note latest version may show a message like

AC Default and Zoomed bi-wheel

AC Default and Zoomed bi-wheel

Display Zoom – Larger Text (iPhone 12)

Update: Bi-wheel messge

Update: Bi-wheel messge

More Details about iPhone settings for Display Zoom, Text Size, and Bold Text

Text Size and Bold Text

Additional Settings for the iPhone (within AC) to help with legibility and clarity.

iPhone Additional Settings

iPhone Additional Settings

Chart Display Text – affects display text top left, top right, bottom left (Bi-Wheel), bottom right (Trip, Terms)

Chart Display Text

Chart Display Text

Degrees and Minutes

Degrees and Minutes

Degrees and Minutes

Degrees and Minutes set to Degrees


Show Degrees Only Setting

The result

Show Degrees Only Setting - result

Show Degrees Only Setting – result

Brief overview of the Settings menus

Settings Menu – tap Chart Calculations/Settings for more…

Displayed Planets Aspects

Displayed Planets and Displayed Aspects


Tap Brighten Charts/Tables for enhanced colours and brightness.

Chart Calcs/Settings

Calc and Settings Menu

Calc and Settings Menu

Now Configure…

Select the Planets/Points you want to be shown on the chart

Dwarf Planet and Aries Point

Planets/Points selection – scroll for more

Select the Aspects you want to be shown on the chart

Displayed Aspects

Displayed Aspects – scroll for more

Change the Variable single-wheel orbs:


Aspect orb setting for single wheel

Aspect orb setting for single wheel – scroll for more


Aspect orb setting for conjunctions

Aspect orb setting for conjunctions

Fixed Stars Orbs


Fixed Stars Longitude

Fixed Stars Longitude


Fixed Stars Declination

Fixed Stars Declination

Chart Colours, Fills

Colours - iPhone

Colours – iPhone

Set your current Location

Set your current Location

Secondary Progressions – Orb and Type of calculation

Please see:

Long Press Options
Long Press - Secondary Progressions settings

Long Press – Secondary Progressions for settings, or select from menu – see screenshot below. Quotidian option now available.


Chart Calcs/Settings

Calc and Settings Menu

Calc and Settings Menu

Solar Arc – Orb and Type of calculation

Long Press - Solar Arc settings

Long Press – Solar Arc settings for settings, or select from menu – see screenshot above

Returns – Orb and Type of calculation (Relocation/Precesson correction)

Long Press Solar Or Lunar Return Button shows Relocation/Precession popover

Long Press Solar Or Lunar Return Button shows Relocation/Precession popover


Chart Calcs/Settings – More

Chart Calcs Settings - More

Chart Calcs Settings – More

Returns and Transit Orb Settings

Miscellaneous Settings

Miscellaneous Settings – for Returns Orb

Orb for Transit Orb Settings long-press over Transit menu to view

Transit long-press for bi-wheel orb

Transit long-press for bi-wheel orb[dt_gap height="10" /]

Transit Orb settings


Transit bi-wheel Orb

Transit bi-wheel Orb

Synastry – Comparison and Composite Orb (use Natal ie Variable orb or Fixed)


New Synastry Orb Settings

New Synastry Orb Settings


Antiscia Orbs (from Chart Calcs/Settings)

Antiscia Table and Orb Settings

Antiscia Table and Orb Settings


Eclipse Orbs


Eclipse Orbs

Eclipse Orbs


Chart Aspect lines


Asc aspect line setting

Asc aspect line settings.


Aspect Line Selection

Aspect Line Selection – note ASC/MC now available.




Nodes/Lilith/Fixed Stars etc

Nodes etc settings

Nodes etc settings



Uranian Aspect Settings

Uranian Aspect Settings


Annual Profections

Annual Profections

Favourite Chart

Favourite Chart

Pre-Natal Syzygy

Pre-Natal Syzygy Settings

Pre-Natal Syzygy Settings


Aries Point

Aries Point