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    Draconic Natal Charts

    Available ver 2.99

    Tropical, geocentric only

    Draconic charts can be used with transits, sec. prog., and solar arcs. Not available for returns, synastry, Gauquelin, pre-natal syzygy, Draconic to standard natal. For example a progressed Draconic chart is not available as part of a bi-wheel to aspect a standard natal/radix chart. A Draconic natal/radix chart can be part of a bi-wheel configuration but the outer wheel is never Draconic. Declinations are not handled.

    Can be used with Aspect Hits.

    Eclipse when shown in the original natal/radix chart are not included in the calculations for a Draconic chart, Their positions do not change. Fixed star aspects are calculated for the Draconic planetary/point positions,

    Note: North Node must be selected as a displayed Planet/Point. True or Mean.

    Draconic chart - North Node warning

    Draconic chart – North Node warning

    Draconic charts are not saved as they are calculated from the currently displayed natal chart.

    Accessible from:

    Draconic Charts - to view

    Draconic Charts – to view

    Tap to view Draconic chart – a tick appears. Tap to see original natal/radix chart – tick disappears.

    Example charts:

    Simulator Screenshot - iPad (10th generation) - Einstein AC Draconic chart

    Simulator Screenshot – iPad (10th generation) – Einstein AC Draconic chart

    Astro com Draconic chart

    Astro com Draconic chart

    150 degree aspect colour from:

    Aspect Line colours - where?

    Aspect Line colours – where?

    Aspect Line Colours

    Aspect Line Colours




    in ChartsDraconic chartsNodes