Article sections

    Go Forwards or Backwards in Time

    Forwards and Backwards

    Forwards and Backwards in time


    Step Values – changed from One Year to Four Months

    Step Values

    Step Values – changed from One Year to Four Months

    This is mainly for bi-wheels, eg transits, progressions. This can also be used by horary charts – see:

    AC Blog – Horary charts – going forward/backward in time

    Using this feature

    Say for instance, when the Secondary Progressions menu is selected we see that the MC has progressed beyond the conjunction to radical Venus. We may want to examine all aspects when this aspect occurred.

    MC progressed past its conj to Venus

    MC past the conj to radical Venus

    MC past the conj to radical Venus

    Examining a Progression, MC cong radical Venus.

    Examining a Progression

    Examining a Progression

    Note: to get the exact conjunction change to step value to days then to hours if necessary. Note also that the report for aspects is available AC ver 2.26