Essential Dignities and Debilities
Planetary Sect is now included for iPhone/iPad/Mac
AstroConnexions scores the essential dignities and debilities table as follows
A planet in its:
- Domicile/Ruler: +5
- Exaltation: +4
- Triplicity: +3
- Term: +2
- Face: +1
- Detriment: -5
- Fall: -4
If a planet has no essential dignities nor debilities it is marked as peregrine, with a “p” and given a score of -5
Mutual reception is not included in the calculations for dignity or debility, but see:
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See the Skyscript forum for interesting posts on this subject:
Essential Dignities and Peregrine
Skyscript article
Example of the Essential Dignities Table as shown in AC
Note the black star/asterisk next to a planet. This indicates that it has a value and is used to calculate the eventual score in the Score column. Eg Venus is in the Terms of Venus so is given a score of 2, but Venus is also in her detriment so she gets a score of -5. So the overall score is -3.
Solar Fire difference
You may notice a difference between the triplicity values in the Essential Dignities table shown by Solar Fire, Astro Gold and AstroConnexions.
There are three settings available according to the SF help.
• Ptolemy – As defined in his book “Tetrabiblos”
• Lilly – As defined in his book “Christian Astrology”
• Dorothean – According to Dorotheus of Sidon.
Apropos Reporting for AC
Reporting uses the Terms and Triplicities of planets for scoring.
Displayed Terms and Triplicities
Settings for Terms and Triplicities in the Essential Dignities Table
Notes on the Settings
- Dorotheus: Day/night values are used.
- Lilly: Day/night values are used.
- Ptolemy: Day/night values are used.
D = Day N = Night P = Participatory
- Ptolemy: as defined in Christian Astrology.
- Egyptian/Chaldean: see various websites.
Here’s an explanation about the use of triplicity by Lilly.
Essential Dignities and Debilities View #9. Not for iPhone.
For all charts, single and bi-wheel, excluding Gauquelin. For Your Charts and Provided charts.
This is very useful when viewing bi-wheels, eg secondary progressed charts. Why? Bi-wheels do not show the terms and triplicities on the displayed chart. To see what term, for example the progressed sun is in check the dignities table. Alternatively view the progressed chart as a single-wheel.
Long-press over the Essential Dignities and Debilities table view #9
Dismiss the Dignities Settings to see the results reflected in the dignities table. To dismiss the Dignities Settings tap anywhere away from the Dignities Settings.
Single Wheel/Bi-wheel – Essential Dignities table display
When a single wheel chart is displayed the Essential Dignities table shows the calculations for the that display of planets.
When a Bi-wheel chart is displayed the Essential Dignities table shows the calculations for the outside wheel planets/points, ie the applying planets.
Note that a single chart can be natal, secondary progression, solar return. Same for bi-wheel charts.
Example Essential Dignities table showing Egyptian Terms
Single Tap over a planets position on the displayed chart
Note that tapping a planet’s position shows the correct Terms for that planet and Triplicity as selected by the Terms/Triplicities settings. This has always been the case, except the Lilly triplicity was never shown.
Abbreviations (for iPhone):
ASC/MC/POF values cannot be shown in the Essential Dignities table or the Essential Dignities View #9 for bi-wheel charts unless the ASC and MC and POF are shown on the displayed chart.