Article sections

    Pre-Natal Syzygy charts


    iPhone – Profections and Pre-Natal Syzygy

    Profections and Pre-Natal Syzygy

    Profections and Pre-Natal Syzygy


    Pre-Natal Syzygy Settings

    Pre-Natal Syzygy Settings. Long-press menu or select from Settings menu


    Nearest: get the nearest full or new moon, whichever is the closest to the birth date.

    New Moon: get the prior new moon (Moon conjunct Sun)

    Full Moon: get the prior full moon (Moon opposite Sun)

    Einstein New Moon prior to birth

    Einstein New Moon prior to birth

    Einstein New Moon prior to birth

    Bi-wheel option shows syzygy chart with Natal chart

    Syzygy Bi-Wheel

    Syzygy Bi-Wheel

    Speculum for bi-wheel

    Speculum for bi-wheel

    Speculum for bi-wheel


    Syzygy with Full Landscape Traditional Grid

    Syzygy with Full Landscape Traditional Grid

    Syzygy with Full Landscape Traditional Grid

    Syzygy from Settings menu

    Syzygy Settings from Settings menu

    Syzygy Settings from Settings menu

    Long press (not iPhone)

    Syzygy Bi-Wheel - Long Press

    Syzygy Bi-Wheel – Long Press


    in ChartsFull MoonNew MoonSyzygy