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    Traditional Planetary 

    Skyscript: moiety

    • Var = variable aspect orbs as shown by AC’s Aspect Table and set by the Aspect Orbs table
    • TVar  = variable aspects as shown by AC’s Aspect Table and set by using Traditional Planetary Orbs.

    AC’s documentation refers to variable and fixed orbs. What does that mean? Variable orbs – this means that an orb for a square may be set at 8 degrees, whilst a sextile may be set at 4 degrees, etc. Used by Natal/Radix charts and other single-wheel charts. For bi-wheels, the setting is fixed often at 1 degree, so that a square orb is the same as a sextile orb. For secondary progressions and solar arc, etc. Traditional Planetary orbs are variable too.

    Start here for AC’s Traditional Planetary Orbs Settings



    Next – Aspect Orbs Table values

    Traditional Planetary Orbs Settings Button

    Traditional Planetary Orbs Settings Button


    Traditional Planetary Orbs Settings – default setting is None


    Traditional Planetary Orbs Settings

    Traditional Planetary Orbs Settings


    Traditional Planetary Orb Indicator (TVar) – Aspects Table

    Note that when non-traditional aspects are shown they use the Aspect Orbs table values (see above) that would normally be indicated by Var. If the Aspect Table shows a mixture of Traditional Planetary aspects (0, 60, 90, 120, 180) and other aspects such as 45/135 etc if would be more appropriate to show TVar + Var. however there isn’t enough rom to show Var and TVar. So only TVar is shown.

    Note Moon trine Mars separation value. This value exceeds the usual 8 degrees value for a trine aspect because Traditional Planetary Orbs are in use here (indicated by the TVar) and the combined Moon/Mars separation (moiety) allowed is 10 degrees.


    Traditional Planetary Orb Indicator - Aspects Table

    Traditional Planetary Orb Indicator – Aspects Table



    When using Traditional Planetary Orbs, aspects such as 18/30/45/135 etc use the standard variable orb values as shown when tapping Aspect Orbs button menu (see above).

    Traditional Planetary Orbs only use these aspects:

    0, 60, 90, 120, 180 (conjunction, sextile, trine opposition) and ignore the same aspect (and values) shown when tapping Aspect Orbs button menu (see above). But use the Aspect Orbs settings for minor aspects.

    To stop using Traditional Planetary Orbs select None from the Settings view.

    Traditional Planetary Orbs are often used in Horary astrology.

    You choice of Traditional Planetary Orbs or the usual more modern aspects are saved by AC.

    Traditional Planetary Orbs can only be used by single-wheel AC Chart Types Horary and Natal (radix) charts. But all single-wheel derived charts such as Transits Sec. Progressions, Returns etc will still use the Traditional Planetary Orbs settings as they retain their base chart type as Horary or Natal.

    Note that by dynamically using a horary chart to advance time which changes it to a transit chart it continues to use Traditional Planetary Orbs.

    Declinations are not affected.

    in Aspect TableAspectsMoietyOrbsTraditional Planetary Orbs