Coming Soon Archive 2

New – Sidereal Zodiac and choice of Ayanamsha. Geocentric only. 

Main view and full landscape view.

By default the Fagan/Bradley ayanamsha is used, but can be changed. All screenshots use the Fagan/Bradley ayanamsha.

AC Knowledge Base: Sidereal Zodiac
AC Knowledge Base: Sidereal Chart Comparison

Einstein Example Sidereal Natal chart

Einstein Natal Sidereal

Einstein Natal Sidereal

Einstein Natal chart – sidereal speculum listing (updated – see below)

Speculum listing for Einstein's natal chart

Speculum listing for Einstein’s natal chart

Einstein Sidereal Transit chart – bi-wheel, 1920

Sidereal Transit for Einstein bi-wheel

Sidereal Transit for Einstein bi-wheel

Einstein Sidereal Solar Arc progressed chart, by longitude, 1920

Einstein Sidereal Solar Arc progressed

Einstein Sidereal Solar Arc progressed

Einstein Sidereal Secondary Progressed chart by RA, 1920

Einstein secondary progressed for 1920 Sidereal

Einstein secondary progressed for 1920 Sidereal

Einstein Sidereal Lunar Return, January 1920

Sidereal Lunar Return Einstein

Sidereal Lunar Return Einstein

Einstein Sidereal Solar Return, 1920

Solar Return Einstein - Sidereal, 1920

Solar Return Einstein – Sidereal, 1920

Einstein/Alex Graham Bell – Sidereal Comparison Chart (Synastry)

Einstein/Alex Graham Bell Sidereal Comparison Chart

Einstein/Alex Graham Bell Sidereal Comparison Chart

Einstein/Alex Graham Bell – Sidereal Comparison Chart Speculum Listing

Einstein/Alex Graham Bell Speculum Listing for outside chart

Einstein/Alex Graham Bell Speculum Listing for outside chart

Einstein/Alex Graham Bell Sidereal Composite Synastry, Radix

Einstein/Alex Graham Bell Sidereal Composite Chart

Einstein/Alex Graham Bell Sidereal Composite Chart

Einstein/Alex Graham Bell Sidereal Composite Synastry. Secondary progressed by RA

Einstein/Alex Graham Bell Sidereal Composite Synastry - Secondary progressed by RA

Einstein/Alex Graham Bell Sidereal Composite Synastry – Secondary progressed by RA

Einstein/Alex Graham Bell Sidereal Composite Synastry. Secondary progressed by RA – bi-wheel

Einstein:Alex Graham Bell Sidereal Composite Synastry - Secondary progressed by RA bi-wheel

Einstein:Alex Graham Bell Sidereal Composite Synastry – Secondary progressed by RA bi-wheel

Einstein Sidereal Pre-Natal Syzygy

Einstein Sidereal Syzygy

Einstein Sidereal Syzygy

Sidereal Moon ingress into Virgo August 2017

Sidereal Ingress

Sidereal Ingress

Filter Your Chart records: All/Tropical/Sidereal

Filter Chart records

Filter Chart records

Note that AC’s Provided Charts table will always show “All”. The Filter Chart Records setting does not apply to the Provided Charts table listing.

Ayanamsha settings


Ayanamsha table

The Ayanamsha selected is a global setting (ie it is not saved with the individual chart) and is used whenever a sidereal chart is viewed. This is so that it can be used on the fly.

Tropical/Sidereal Zodiac menu

Zodiac Menu for Tropical or Sidereal Zodiac

Zodiac Menu for Tropical or Sidereal Zodiac

Tropical/Sidereal Zodiac settings

Sidereal Settings/Options

Sidereal Settings/Options

This is a chart setting so that if a chart is created or edited the zodiac will either be Tropical or Sidereal depending on the setting. Tropical is the default, which is mostly used in Europe/USA. The sidereal option is used for Vedic charts – mostly used in India, but not exclusively. Please note that the last two sentences do not reflect the complicated/contentious choice of a zodiac by astrologers!

Recap. Sidereal charts:

  • Natal/Horary/Radix
  • Solar/Lunar Return (single and bi-wheel)
  • Secondary progressed (single and bi-wheel), by RA and Long. Mean Quotidian.
  • Solar Arc, by long (single and bi-wheel)
  • Transits (single and bi-wheel)
  • Pre-Natal Syzygy (single and bi-wheel)
  • Synastry comparison (bi-wheel)
  • Synastry composite (single and bi-wheel)
  • Ingress (single and bi-wheel)
  • Solar and Lunar Eclipse
  • Additionally completed: fixed stars, chart aspects. Speculum. Filter Your Charts records by All, Sidereal or Tropical.
  • Aspect Hits. CIT analysis and Missing CIT aspects.
  • Added Ayanamsha value to speculum header

Please do not use the above sidereal option with precession adjusted tropical charts. It won’t work! Always use the Tropical zodiac for that.

Some UI improvements

Improved Day Lords algorithm for progressed charts.

Improved declination aspects algorithm.

Version 2.19, available now.

Zoom – updated


Debug Info

Debug Info menu item

Debug Info menu item

Debug info

Debug info

Bug fix

Bi-wheel aspect grid incorrectly displayed separating “S” instead of applying “A” sometimes: fixed. The Aspect Table was not affected by this bug.

Version 2.18 available now.

Added Fixed Stars Settings for display of Longitude aspects only by conjunction in Fixed Stars Table:


Longitude Only

Longitude Only


For any chart.

Knowledge base: Fixed Stars Setting

Version 2.17 available now.

Added Horary Settings for display of Aspect table and the Moon’s Aspect table:

If the chart is a Horary chart select
1. Applying aspects
2. Trad + Planets (Traditional aspects, and Traditional Planets)
when first opening the Aspect table or Moon’s Aspect table.
Horary Chart Settings Results

Horary Chart Settings Results


Menu Settings

Menu Settings


Horary Chart settings for Aspect Tables

Horary Chart settings for Aspect Tables



Default setting is to use this.

Version 2.16 available now.

Improvement to listing of aspects using Solar Arc Directions. Speed of planets/points are now not taken into account.

Version 2.xx, not available.

Research and Analysis for radix/natal charts (images updated as work progresses)

New Main Menu Icon

Main menu new icon

Main menu new icon


Main menu drop down

Main menu drop down



1. Fixed Star aspects

eg, show all Regulus and Spica conjunctions to Asc and MC for selected charts


Fixed Stars, Planets/points, Aspects, Chart Type

Analysis Results can be displayed simply or aggregated

AC will search all selected (ticked) charts to see, for example, how may times a particular fixed star is in aspect to selected planets/points, or to all planets/points.

Fixed Stars

Fixed Stars - Research main view

Fixed Stars – Research main view. Results of analysis,

Selected Fixed Stars

Fixed Stars Selected

Fixed Stars – Selected

Selected Aspects

Aspects Selected

Aspects – Selected

Selected Planets/Points

Planets and Points Selected

Planets and Points – Selected

Quick View any selected (ticked) chart – as a reminder.

Research - View Chart

Research – View Chart

2. Interplanetary/points – aspects.

AC will search all selected charts to see, for example how many times the Sun is square/conj Saturn, etc

No images as yet.

Version 2.15 available now.

Compatibility release for iPadOS 13.1.2 for iPad Pro 11″ and 10.5″.

Fixed misplacement of single-wheel aspect half-grid for 12.9″, iPadOS 13.1 – iPad Pro.

Please see:

iPadOS 13.0

Version 2.14 available now.

Compatibility release for iPadOS 13.1.2 for iPad Pro 12.9″, and further updates for 9.7″ iPad’s.

Please see:

iPadOS 13.0

Fix for chart Batch Export and Delete view: missing buttons.

Improved Uranian tree aspect size and spacing for full landscape View #3 – iPad Pro 12.9″

Many other fixes.

Added: Chart Listing: View Simple Notes (Pop-up Notes)

Chart Listing. Show Simple Notes

Simple Notes for Chart Listings table.

  • None. Chart Listing operates without showing any notes – default.
  • + Notes. Chart Listing operates as previously but shows Notes if any.
  • Notes. Chart Listing shows only those charts that have a Note.

All selections are saved.

Dark mode not supported.

Version 2.13, available now.

Further compatibility release for iPadOS 13.1.2

Includes fix for incorrect chart notes and crypto notes positioning.

Fixed bug when tapping Place (when creating a new chart) and Fixed Stars List which could crash AC. To avoid the crash when tapping Place, tap the Use Map button instead.

Not suitable for iPad Pro’s. iPadOS 13.1.2 compatibility for all iPad Pro’s coming soon. Note iPad Pro 9.7″compatible.

Please see:

iPadOS 13.0

Dark mode not supported.

Version 2.12, available now

Further compatibility release for iPadOS 13.1.

Improved: smoother transition to and from full landscape mode.

Please see:

iPadOS 13.0

Not suitable for iPad Pro’s

Dark mode not supported.

Version 2.11, available now.

Initial compatibility release for iPadOS 13.1. Expect further releases soon.

Please see:

iPadOS 13.0

Not suitable for iPad Pro’s

Version 2.10, available now.


Bug fix for occasional overlapping planetary/point distribution in proportional chart layout.

Version 2.09, available now.

Added: alternative glyph for Pluto. For all charts.

Added: all house positions listed by longitude, RA and declination.

Glyph settings (charts updated automatically, and selection of glyph saved)

Glyphs Settings

Glyphs Settings

Glyphs menu item

Glyphs menu item


Usual Pluto

Usual Pluto (shown with Neptune). From Adolf Hitler’s chart


House positions listed – for all charts.

Off by default. Use settings to change – see screenshot below. Settings are saved. Available for Your Charts and Provided Charts, single-wheel and bi-wheel charts. Not available for Gauquelin charts. Aspects to house long or declination positions are not generated apart to and from Asc. and MC.

Adolf Hitler Placidus House Positions

Adolf Hitler Placidus House Positions

Speculum Header:Settings

Speculum Header/Settings


Version 2.08, available now


For Your Charts, and Provided Charts.

Chaldean Decans


Traditional Decans, with outer planets

Adolf Hitler with Trad Decans and outer Planets

Adolf Hitler with Traditional Decans and outer Planets

Decan Settings

Decans or Terms/Triplicities

Decans or Terms/Triplicities – animated GIF



Version 2.07, available now.

1. Gauquelin sector chart – full landscape View #8. For proportional wheel natal/radix charts. For Your Charts and Provided Charts.

2. And for Your Charts – Chart listing, a Gauquelin switch button is provided. For when browsing Your Charts.


Full Landscape with Gauquelin Sectors

Full Landscape with Gauquelin Sectors option

Example chart, when Full Landscape View #8 is selected.

Gauquelin Sectors for Adolf Hitler

Gauquelin Sectors for Adolf Hitler

Gauquelin Sector settings

With choice of using planetary latitude or not.

List of planets/points in sector with rating

Note that a proportional chart style is automatically selected by AC when displaying Gauquelin Sectors.

Gauquelin Sector Settings

Gauquelin Sector Settings

Gauquelin Sector Settings – both settings enabled by default

Example chart without zodiacal degrees and minutes.

Gauquelin Sectors - no house system degs. mins

Gauquelin Sectors – no house system degs. mins

Chart Listings Additions – Gauquelin switch

Chart Listings Additions

Chart Listings Additions ( G = Gauquelin)

Example Chart, when Browsing is selected and the G Switch is tapped. (G switch is green colour when active/enabled)

Gauquelin Sectors for Bitcoin

Gauquelin Sectors for Bitcoin

Example chart - no degs mins

Example chart – no degs, mins and Gauquelin shown as house system – top right

Warning Message

Warning message

Warning message

This can occur if a chart isn’t initially a Natal chart or is a bi-wheel chart. Easily fixed by tapping a chart record.

Gauquelin Listing in the Speculum – chart must be Natal, View #8, or chart listing with Gauquelin selected.

Speculum - Gauquelin Sectors

Speculum – Gauquelin Sectors

Here’s an extract from the Swiss Ephemeris documentation:


Gauquelin sectors This is the “house” system used by the Gauquelin’s and their epigones and critics in statistical investigations in Astrology. Basically, it is identical with the Placidus house system, i.e. diurnal and nocturnal arcs of ecliptic points or planets are subdivided. There are a couple of differences, though.

– Up to 36 “sectors” (or house cusps) are used instead of 12 houses.

– The sectors are counted in clockwise direction.

– There are so-called plus (+) and minus (–) zones. The plus zones are the sectors that turned out to be significant in statistical investigations, e.g.many top sportsmen turned out to have their Mars in a plus zone. The plus sectors are the sectors 36 – 3, 9 – 12, 19 – 21, 28 – 30.

Swiss Ephemeris documentation PDF
Gauquelin Planetary Effects Revisited
Gauquelin Planetary Effects

3. Progress the MC by Solar Arc in Longitude, for Secondary Progressions

Choice of progressing the MC by Solar Arc by Longitude instead of Naibod by Long or RA – for secondary progressions.
Default is off. Note that this setting is taken into account when using Aspect Hits.
Progress MC by SA in Long

Progress MC by SA in Long

Example Chart with MC progress by Solar Arc

Note the text at the top of the chart /MC SA which = MC progressed by Solar Arc

Example Chart with MC SA

Example Chart with MC SA

Example Speculum Listing – Aspects tab button tapped.

Showing MC SA

Speculum MC SA

Speculum MC SA

Summary of Progressions and Directions in Aspect Hits

Summary of Progressions and Directions settings

Summary of Progressions and Directions settings

4. Moved Bulk/Batch Export/Delete AC Charts (from Main menu) to Options Table

Export Delete AC Charts

Export/Delete AC Charts

Main Menu without Export/Delete AC charts button

Main Menu - without Export AC Charts button

Main Menu – without Export AC Charts button

Previous Main Menu (ver 2.06)

Previous Main Menu

Previous Main Menu

New position of Export/Delete AC Charts view

Example of Export/Delete view

Example of Export/Delete view

5. Removed

Removed - confusing.

Removed – confusing.

Removed – confusing.

Bug fixes.

South node shown/not shown in Speculum when specified in settings – fixed.

Version 2.06. Available now.

Fix for Financial Analysis forms misplacement of icons/labels for some iPads.

Version 2.05 Available now.

Parallax Moon –

Calculate and use Moon’s parallax position for: Natal, Transits, Sec Prog. Solar Arc, Returns, Ingress etc.

South Node –

Display Moon’s South Node.
Draw aspect lines to South Node or not.
Show (or not) South Node aspects in Aspect Table/Lists.

Improved –

Transit to Transit aspect accuracy for Aspect Hits.
Ingress. Always zero degrees. Could be 29:59:59
Added aspects to Nodes in Aspect table.
Browsing Your Charts List: Added buttons for Chart Aspects and Fixed Star positions.
Speculum: Added extra header. Show or not in Speculum settings.


Parallax Moon

Bitcoin Parallax Moon

Bitcoin radix with Parallax Moon

Knowledge Base – Parallax Moon (updated 17th Dec 2018)

South Node Selection

South Node Selection

South Node Selection

South Node Aspect Lines

No Aspect Lines to South Node

No Aspect Lines to South Node

Aspect Lines to South Node.

Aspect Lines to South Node.

Show Aspects to South Node in Aspect Table and Lists, eg Speculum.

Show South Node Aspects

Show South Node Aspects – additional option

Showing aspects to South and North Node

Showing aspects to South and North Node. MC sextile to North Node and MC trine to South Node

Eclipse aspects to the Nodes are affected:

Eclipse aspects to Nodes

Eclipse aspects to Nodes

Knowledge Base – Moon’s Nodes

Browsing Your Chart List. Added buttons for Chart Aspects and Fixed Star positions

Added Aspects and Fixed Stars when browsing - enabled

Added icon buttons for Aspects and Fixed Stars – when browsing Your Charts

Knowledge Base – Chart List Table Options
Speculum settings for additional header

Speculum settings for additional header

Speculum with additional header

Speculum with additional header

Version 2.04. Available now.

Fix for overlapping icon buttons: House System and Full Landscape for some iPads.

Version 2.03. Available now.

iPad Pro 12.9″, 3rd generation. Optimised and ready.

Various UI improvements. Bug fixes.

Uranian midpoint trees recognise Displayed Planets/Lines choices. Please see the AC knowledge base: Midpoints (Uranian).

Updated Knowledge Base posts:

Midpoints (Uranian)
Aspect Values

Version 2.09. Available soon.

Query engine for simple statistics for Your Charts, and/or Provided charts. Here are some examples:

  • List all charts with Sun conjunction Saturn aspects where Saturn is in fall or detriment, with an orb of 2 degrees.
  • List all charts with Sun cazimi Saturn aspects where Saturn is in its Capricorn or Aquarius, with an orb of 15 minutes.
  • List all cazimi charts, for planets Moon-Pluto with an orb of 15 minutes.
  • List all charts with Venus in hard aspect (inc conj) to Pluto where Venus is in Cancer with an orb of 1 degree.
  • List all charts with any planet (Sun to Pluto) in the 10th House using the Placidus house system with an orb of 1 degree


The Astrology Dictionary

Version 2.02. Available now.

Bug iPad Pro 11″: position of Terms text after returning from full landscape fixed. 

Some UI improvements.

Version 2.01. 

Ready for new iPad Pro 11 inch.

iPad Pro 11″ screenshots 

Bug: Crypto financial data not showing for Finance View #6 because data supplier has imposed a maximum number of days (2000) for their data. Fixed.

AC uses the free crypto data service from cryptocompare for the Crypto finance view .

Financial stock data remains unaffected.

Version 2.0. Available now.

Now ready for IOS 12

Filter Aspects by Planets/Points – available for all types, natal, transit, returns, etc, antiscia, midpoint. Wheel and bi-wheel.

Aspect Table with new functions

Aspect Table with new functions/icons: Settings button, Filter switch (on/off), Planet/Points button for planet/points table

Filter Settings

Filter Settings

Filter Settings for Aspect Lines

Planet/Point Filter Table

Planet/Point Filter Table

Filter Aspects Bitcoin – animated GIF (shadows courtesy of the GIF app). Aspect lines restricted to filtered planets.

The aspect table shows those aspects that a planet can traditionally cast an aspect to. For example Venus can cast aspects to Jupiter, Saturn and so on. Neptune to Pluto only. However, the chart lines show all associated aspects as well. For example a filtered Asc will show an aspect to the Node in the aspect table but generally planets aspect points, so selecting the Asc to filter may not show any aspects in the Aspect table. The chart will.

Please note: filtered aspects not available for the full landscape long-press Aspect Table view.

Aspect lines to the Asc, MC

Aspect lines to the Asc and MC now available – selectable. On by default.

Aspect Lines to the Asc and MC

Aspect Lines to the Asc and MC – on.

Aspect Line Selection

Aspect select - no aspect lines to the Asc

Aspect select – no aspect lines to the Asc

See also:

AC Knowledge Base – Filtered Aspects

Version 1.99. Available now.

New: tap time button for Set Time Form

This updates the current chart’s time for Transits, Sec Progressed, Solar arc charts.

Time Button

Time Button – tap

Time Button form

Set Time button form when Natal chart is displayed

New: Set Transit bi-wheel orb by long-press over Transit menu button

Transit long-press for bi-wheel orb

Transit long-press for transit bi-wheel orb

Transit bi-wheel Orb

Transit bi-wheel orb form

Time Button
Long-press Options

Version 1.98. Available now.

Quick fix: Missing CIT Aspects table was rebuilt on startup of AC. Fixed

Version 1.97. 

Added to Financial Analysis: Investigate missing aspects when there is a significant CIT (for rectification)

For financial stocks and crypto data – Full Landscape View #6 (Finance)

CIT = Change in Trend, an inflexion point

Reasoning behind this functionality: 

In the post: Bitcoin – the astrology 

it can be seen that not all significant CIT’s have a corresponding/associated aspect to the radix. However, these CIT’s may have a corresponding/associated aspect to the radix. The question is: what are these supposed longitude positions of a planet that aspects these points? Do they exist?

Note that the post does not calculate aspects to the Asc or MC as it was thought that there was no significant associated aspect to these points for a CIT. It may be possible that that the Asc and MC are inaccurate and the Missing CIT Aspect procedure/form may help to find the true positions of these points. Thus, this is a rectification method.

A suitable procedure would be as follows:

Note only transiting aspects to the radix are used to calculate the aspect hits in this example and in the post.

  1. Find the most significant transiting aspecting planet to BTC – this is Saturn
  2. Assign missing aspect dates – see Adding a CIT and Analysis menu icons (this is similar, except the icon is different – see below)

CIT Analysis 

3. Calculate Saturn’s (and other planets) position to CIT dates that do not have a transiting aspect from any planet (Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) to the BTC radix.

4. Review the data to see if there are (multiple similar) longitudinal positions of Saturn (and other planets) that might indicate a point that that is significant. Please see the screenshot below.

For instance by reviewing the results of the calculation it may be that Saturn’s (and Neptune) longitudinal position for different CIT dates are at 12 degrees 02 minutes. This may indicate that the Asc or MC (or a midpoint, or another point eg Vertex) is at this position. The BTC chart should then be adjusted. Further test should be applied and the chart should be reviewed for the accuracy of the new point(s).

What would we want to do this? To get greater accuracy in the BTC (or other stocks or crypto charts) forecasts for aspect to significant CIT’s.


Add a missing CIT aspect menu icon

Add a missing CIT aspect – menu icon

Add missing CIT aspect Date - table

Add missing CIT aspect Date – table. Note that this data is saved to the AC user database. [dt_gap height="10" /]
Swipe left to delete a record

Calculating the Longitude positions for the missing aspect dates (for Transits, Sec Progressions and Solar arc directions)

After reviewing the Applying Planetary Long table positions the closest longitudes to significant CIT’s are indicated below.

CIT Analysis Missing CIT aspects

CIT Analysis Missing CIT aspects. See below for the graph of the CIT’s

CIT’s – from

June 18th 2016 Saturn 12 01

June 18th 2016 Saturn 12° 01′

Jan 6th 2018 Neptune 12 02

Jan 6th 2018 Neptune 12° 02′

Screenshots of the associated charts

June 18th 2016 Aspect to MC

June 18th 2016. Note Saturn’s transiting trine aspect to the radix MC (shown in the aspect grid). Neptune has retrograded to a 12° Pisces 02′ position also aspecting the MC.

Jan 6th 2018 Note aspect to MC

Jan 6th 2018. Note Neptune’s transiting aspect to the radix MC (shown in the aspect grid)

Missing CIT Aspects – help

Missing aspects

Missing CIT aspects. After planetary glyph, t = transit, p = sec. progression, d = Solar Arc direction

Further Screenshots – listing and printing

Missing Aspects Listing

Missing Aspects Listing of longitude positions

Missing Aspects Listing - Printing

Missing Aspects Listing – Printing


It appears that the MC’s radical position at 11° 59′ Aries is significant and that these findings point to a possible adjustment of the MC to 12° 01′ Aries.

I don’t believe there’s enough data to definitely say that the MC should be adjusted. However, these findings strongly indicate aspects to the radix MC should be included in any BTC Aspect Hits calculations.

Knowledge Base post:

Missing CIT Aspects

Version 1.96 available now.

Added to Financial Analysis:

Most frequently applying planet to the radix and how many times this occurs.

Count of most frequent applying planet or point

Count of most frequent applying planet or point to the radix

Bug Fix:

iPad 2 display of Batch/Bulk Export to Drop Box for AC or Solar Fire – fixed

Cancel Search – fixed

Version: 1.95. Available now

Improved forms: Chart import for SFcht charts, Quick charts and Import AC charts (.ACC):

Added count of number of charts, and chart name as they are being processed. This is useful if importing a large number of charts.

Import SFcht processing

Import SFcht charts – processing

Import Quick charts processing

Import Quick charts – processing


Note this is similar to to process for SFcht charts, and AC charts

Importing Quick Charts

iPad used for Video: iPad Air 2.

AC charts now have the extension .acc or .ACC

When exporting AC charts from the new batch export form, or singularly (left swipe record) from the Chart table the extension used is now .acc. For example when saving a single AC chart (left swipe record) the chart name is used for the file name, so if a chart name is Edward Smith it will be saved your Drop Box AstroConnexions folder as Example Smith.acc

Similarly with the batch export except a file name has to be entered in the File Name field – see screenshot below. Multiple charts can be held in one ACC file.

If you have any older AC files (pre AC ver 1.95) that you wish to import just change the file name extension to acc.

All Export/Import routines have been re-examined, re-assessed, tested, and improved.

New Functionality: List all Your Charts for batch Export to Drop Box for AC or Solar Fire.

Also batch Delete.

Charts exported as an .acc file can be imported back into AC, when required.

Select your chart records to be exported. Tick a record with a tap, or use the tick/cross icons/buttons to select all, or unselect your chart records.

Export and Delete Charts

Export and Delete Charts – Info

Tap a chart record to select with a Tick. Tap again to remove.

Added top menu icon for Batch Export and Delete

Top Menu icons - Batch Functions

Top Menu icons – Batch Functions

Why would you want to export AC charts?

  1. As a backup, in case of accidental chart deletion
  2. As a backup. If you get a new or different iPad and you want a copy of the charts on your other iPad.
  3. Backups are always a good idea.

Updated/new Knowledge Base articles

Import/Export: Overview
Batch/Bulk Export/Delete
Importing a Solar Fire SFcht file


Commas are escaped correctly for chart names.

Version 1.94. Available now.

Knowledge Base – CIT Analysis Listing

Listing of comparison between Aspect Hits and actual CIT dates. 

CIT Analysis with List Button

CIT Analysis with List Button

CIT Analysis with Print and Share Buttons

CIT Analysis with Print and Share Buttons. Bottom right – CIT Analysis Settings

Scroll for more information

CIT Analysis - scroll

CIT Analysis – scroll

Share CIT Analysis

Share CIT Analysis


Print CIT Analysis

Print CIT Analysis

Analysis Settings

CIT Analysis Settings

CIT Analysis Settings

Version 1.93. Available now.

New Functionality: Analysis of Aspects Hit dates to the radix compared to the actual CIT date. For financial stocks and crypto data – Full Landscape View #6 (Finance)

Two new forms and associated menu icons: (plus Info/Help form)

CIT Analysis, and Add a CIT – see screenshots below

CIT = Change in Trend

Requirements: Aspect Hit data, and CIT data.

Generating Aspect Hit data – animated GIF

Transiting Aspects to Bitcoin Radix

Transiting Aspects to Bitcoin Radix

Procedure: Using Aspect Hits data produce some simple stats. For example Bitcoin aspects to the Radix and compare these dates to the actual associated Changes in Trend (CIT) date of the Bitcoin price.

Example: Analysis of BTC

CIT Analysis Form

CIT Analysis Form

Help/Info (menu icon, bottom right Analysis Form)

Day Orb CIT

Day Orb CIT

Adding CIT Dates – using long press over BTC chart

Adding a CIT Date

Adding a CIT (Change in Trend) Date. CIT Analysis Icon.

To add a CIT date to the CIT table – this table is used for comparing the Aspect Hit dates with the actual CIT date.

  1. Long-press over the financial chart and select an actual CIT date to compare with an associated Aspect Hit date. Release long-press.
  2. Tap the + button icon. The CIT Date table is shown above the financial chart and the date is added to the table. The time is ignored.
  3. Continue until the number of actual CIT dates is the same number as the associated Aspect Hit dates
  4. View the results in the Analysis form. The CIT dates will always be shown in date order.

When adding dates duplicate dates are ignored. You can swipe to delete a date record.


Date label for long-press over financial chart. Position is now at the top for clearer view.

Position of Date label

Position of Date label

Updated Knowledge Base article:

Financial Charts

Version 1.92. Available now.

Please note it can take up to 24 hours to become available in your app store.

Fix for charts above the Artic Circle.

Charts above the Artic Circle: Knowledge Base

Version 1.91.

Chart diagnostic on start-up. To catch incorrect dates if a date gets corrupted for some reason.

If an error is caught a chart listing screen/view is shown and the offending chart can be deleted. Hopefully you will never see this screen/view.

Aspect Lines: bug fixed.

Version 1.90. 

Aspect Hit UI display improvements.

Fixed Aspect Hit crash bug.

Version 1.89. 

Compiled for iOS 11.4

Aspects lines to Solar and Lunar eclipse shown on chart with option to not show aspect lines, for single and bi-wheel charts.

Aspect Lines to Lunar Eclipse

Aspect Lines to the Lunar Eclipse can be clearly seen

Aspect Line Selection with Eclipse Switch

Aspect Line Selection with Eclipse Switch

Aspects to Solar and Lunar eclipse listed in the Aspect Table, for single and bi-wheel charts.

Aspect Table showing Solar Eclipse semi-sextile aspect to the MC

Aspect Table showing Solar Eclipse semi-sextile aspect to the MC

Jupiter sextile to natal Solar Eclipse

Jupiter sextile to natal Solar Eclipse. Secondary progression.


Version 1.88.

Bug introduced ver 1.87 (due to extensive recoding) – some aspects missing. Corrected.

Apologies to all!

Version 1.87.

Bug Fix for iPad 2 launch issues. Extensive recoding of launch and aspect calculations

UI layout improvements. Addded some activity indicators on full page #2.

With the addition of dwarf planets etc, there has been a significant increase in loading times. This has required a different approach to initialising the various array, and structures. This will result is a small loading delay when first loading AC.

Version 1.86. 

Added dwarf planets Eris, Sedna and Haumea. Added Aries Point.

Dwarf Planets and Aries Point

Dwarf Planets and Aries Point

Barak Obama with Aries Point and added dwarf planets

Barack Obama with Aries Point and added dwarf planets

Aries Point settings

Aries Point Settings

Aries Point Settings

Aspect Line Selection – Improved

Aspect Line Selection with new additions

Aspect Line Selection with new additions

Aspect Line Selection – animated GIF

Aspect Line Selection

Aspect Line Selection

Extended Crypto data by 30 days - useful to be able to see Aspect Hits in the future

Extended Crypto data with zero values by 30 days – useful to be able to see Aspect Hits in the future

Bug fixes

Financial chart now jumps to correct position after long-press and for all menu choices except All. All always refreshes the data.

Your Charts Listing table now filters by Category correctly. Would always return “All”.

Some UI issues for iPad 2.

Archive of older Coming Soon pages – from ver 1.25 – 1.85