Solar Returns – Saving as a Radix Chart – iPad/Mac/iPhone
Acronym’s used: SR = Solar Return, PC = Precession Corrected. AC = AstroConnexions, SF = Solar Fire Gold
Solar and Lunar returns can now be saved as a radix chart allowing them to be treated as a Natal/Radix chart. This means that a transit bi-wheel can be applied to a saved SR or a Secondary Progressed or Solar Arc can also be applied.
To illustrate this functionality I will be comparing Solar Fire Gold for Windows charts with AC charts. This will demonstrate the accuracy of AC. To do this I’m going to use a chart from 1643, Sir Isaac Newton the famous English scientist. The time and place of birth is taken from the SF chart which is not agreed upon by everyone.
All AC (ver 1.60) screenshots from real (not simulated) iPad Air 2. All SF screenshots from Solar Fire Gold for Windows, ver 9.0.25. OS Windows 7.
The Natal Chart
Here’s a Solar Fire (SF from now on) chart for Isaac Newton:
Here’s AC’s Natal chart
To create this chart I selected LMT, in the New chart view, and used the map function to get Colsterworth’s latitude and longitude. I entered the time as 02:05:00 am and the date as Jan 4th 1643.
As can be seen, the charts are essentially identical.
The Solar Return Charts for 1655
The saved SR chart as Radix
SR Precession Corrected Charts for 1655
Edit a Solar Return radix chart
Just edit as per usual:
Sorting LR/SR charts
Animated gif, saving a return chart – iPad/Mac
iPhone – saving a Return Chart