Coming Soon – Archive of older AC versions, from ver 1.85 – 1.25
Version 1.85.
Financial graph updated. Financial stock data (up to 20 years data) as well as Crypto data available.
Financial Charts – with animated GIFStock First Trade Dates:
First Trade DatesUseful Foundation Dates:
Version 1.84.
AC for the iPad Pro 10.5″, Synastry orbs improved, indent for Notes headlines
Added: Indent headlines for Crypto/Notes, for printing
Note that there are separate settings for Crypto Notes and Chart Notes.
Fixed duplicate solar eclipse bug for full landscape.
Additional Functionality for Synastry Orbs
Version 1.83.
Fixed: some Chart/Crypto Notes display bugs.
AC will still open if there’s no internet connection, although some functionality will not be available, such as Crypto financial data chart, save charts to Dropbox, etc.
AC in Action: (iPad Air 2)
AC in ActionVersion 1.82.
Improved Aspect Line Selection
Fifteen degree aspect lines can be hidden or shown. If a fifteen degree aspect is not selected from the Displayed Aspect table this is ignored. If hidden and the aspect is also selected from the Displayed Aspect table, the fifteen degree aspect will be shown in the Aspect table but the aspect line will not be shown in the chart.

Aspect Line Selection – removing 15 degree aspect lines, with long-press over aspect grid to invoke aspect table
Bug Fix: Improved aspect line algorithm
Bug fix when chart lines are incorrectly drawn – some chart lines converge to the bottom left of the screen.
Version 1.81.
Bug fix: tapping the Lightning Bolt icon, top menu to Save a SR/LR chart might incorrectly invoke the Aspect Hit view. Fixed.
Version 1.80.
Bug fix: misplaced Notes text (full landscape view #7) corrected.
Temporary fix if the Notes text is incorrectly positioned (full landscape view #7): tap the full landscape icon (extreme left, main menu) – text is positioned correctly.
Version 1.79 – a big update!
New Functionality: Advanced Chart Notes – for radix, most charts inc sec. prog, solar arc, SR/LR.
What’s New Ver 1.79Note a simpler version of Chart Notes already exists. See:
AC knowledge Base – Chart Notes
Chart Notes – Adolf Hitler View #7 – the aspect grid can be removed via settings, to show more Chart Notes, if required.
Other Improvements:
Improved graphic stability for older iPads.
Implemented iCloud back up for AC
AC Knowledge Base for AC backup and restoreNew Functionality: Crypto Currency historical data synchronised with astro chart
After the recent crash of Bitcoin here’s something to cheer you up!
Here are some useful links for Bitcoin, Litecoin and Darkcoin (Dash) astrology charts.
Bitcoin Dash – originally Darkcoin LitecoinBitcoin animated Gif – syncing, and scrolling
Cross-hairs with long-press. Choice of currencies. Sync currency chart with astro chart.
The ideal way to explore financial astrology. For charts – single and bi-wheel, incl. SR/LR. Excluding antiscia, syzygy, profections, or synastry. Note antiscia and midpoint aspects are calculated for all charts included.
Added: Sync Astro Hits table with the astro chart and financial chart

Sync an Aspect Hit record to an astro chart and crypto financial data – with one tap. The indicator (^) shows the exact position of the date/event. View the astro chart and the financial chart data at the same time.
Financial Chart Menu icons (updated)
Crypto Notes Report Table – add, delete, edit, save, retrieve. All Crypto Notes saved to AC user database.
All features of the crypto notes table are available for chart Notes too
Notes can have any type of aspect inc antiscia, midpoint, and bi-wheel aspects. The date is taken from the astro chart date.
Crypto Financial data chart
Data courtesy of
CryptoCompare.comCrypto Coin List
Full Landscape Options. Now with #5, #6 and #7
Additional Functionality: Transit To Transit aspects.
(This version will be released, whilst primary directions is being developed and debugged)
New Functionality: Full landscape View #5 – Aspect Hit results displayed next to any chart. Charts are automatically changed to the type of aspect selected – see animated GIF below.
For natal/radix (single-wheel), progressed (bi-wheel), directed (bi-wheel) and transit (single-wheel and bi-wheel) charts.
Note: Aspect Hits retains its results after leaving the view. The results will, therefore, be reloaded when the Aspect Hits view is opened again.
Aspect Hit Results can also be saved to the user database for later retrieval even if AC is closed down, or updated. Note that only the last Aspect hit results are saved for each chart. If an aspect hits entry already exists it’s overwritten.
A list of every chart’s Aspect Hit results is available. It shows the name of the chart and the date period.
Animated Gif – showing how easy it is to inspect any aspect, over any time period.

Aspect Hits to Bitcoin. Table shadow added by the GIF maker app – LICEcap, from Cockos. Notice the red asterisk next to the Performance button. This indicates that it is in use.
A single tap over the Aspect Hit aspects (shown next to the chart on the right) invokes the Aspect Hits Results Table as shown in the animated GIF.
Type of Aspect: Transit to Natal = Transit Bi-Wheel
Type of Aspect: Transit to Transit = Transit single Wheel
Type of Aspect: Secondary Progressed to Natal = Secondary Progressed Bi-Wheel
Type of Aspect: Solar Arc to Natal = Directed Solar Arc Bi-Wheel
The two controls (Wheel/Bi-Wheel, Natal/Transit, etc) at the bottom the Aspect Hit table can be tapped by the user too.
Additional Functionality: Aspect Hit Performance Settings
Version 1.78.
Change: Portrait orientation is disabled for AC. Portrait orientation caused some problems.
Fixed some UI control misplacements
Version 1.77.
Possible, occasional full landscape chart scaling incorrect – fixed. No problems reported but deploying fix just in case.
Version 1.76.
New Functionality: Ingress Charts
For Solar ingress, the Start Date and End Date are approximately calculated so that an ingress will always result. For example, tapping on the Sun and the Aries glyphs will result in a Start Date of the 18th March and an End Date of the 25th March
Bug: Category Edit crash – fixed.
Version 1.75.
Fix for iPad Pro 12.5″ full landscape view.
Version 1.74.
Save Image crash – fixed. When accessing Share Button.
Version 1.73
New Functionality: Eclipse can be saved as an Eclipse Radix chart when tapping an Eclipse table record in New Chart.
(Not available for provided charts – just copy the chart to Your Charts)
Eclipse Table
Save an Eclipse Chart – tap an Eclipse table record
- Maximum eclipse time. Note that the eclipse table always shows the Maximum eclipse time – the time you would usually see if browsing the web. See screenshot below.
- Exact Lunar phase – Moon exactly conj Sun for Solar Eclipse, or Moon exactly opposite Sun for Lunar Eclipse
The difference between these two eclipse types is not usually more than 15 minutes.
Google Search (Chrome browser) for August 2017
Chart Files Filter for Eclipse Charts
Version 1.71
Quotidian secondary progressed angles. AKA Daily Houses – Single and Bi-Wheel
Article (external website)
Quotidian angle progressionArticle (external website)
Quotidian angle progression – SkyscriptAC Knowledge Base post:
Quotidian Chart Angles for secondary progressionsSecondary Progressions Settings
Quotidian secondary angle progression Settings
New or Full Moon Chart prior to the birth. Pre-Natal Syzygy. Single-wheel and bi-wheel with Natal.
AC Knowledge Base post:
Pre-Natal SyzygyNew Moon prior to Birth – Einstein
Einstein New Moon prior to birth
Pre-Natal Syzygy Settings
Pre-Natal Syzygy Settings. For nearest full or new moon. Or prior new moon, or prior full moon
Nearest: get the nearest full or new moon, whichever is the closest to the birth date.
New Moon: get the prior new moon (Moon conjunct Sun)
Full Moon: get the prior full moon (Moon opposite Sun)
Sorting of aspects in Aspect Table by separation (orb)
Added What’s New to Info menu
Version 1.70
Algorithm for radix chart display of eclipses improved.
Version 1.69.
Zodiacal Releasing – Hellenistic Time Lord.
Speculum additions – Fixed Stars, Antiscia.
Antiscia aspects – all wheels & displayed in Aspect table and View #2.
Change House System (on the fly) after selecting a chart
Import SFcht files (Astro Gold – iOS, Solar Fire – Windows) directly into AC, via Dropbox
iOS 11 UI fixes – Time Map
Minor change in the Top Menu Icon layout. Added Aspect Hits, and Temporary House System. Removed printer icon – access printing from Share icon.
AC Top Menu Icons. Aspect Hits can also be accessed by long press over a Natal chart
Import SFcht files (Astro Gold – iOS, Solar Fire – Windows)
AC Knowledge Base post
SFcht chart files
Import SFcht Chart Files View
Import SFcht Chart Files (Astro Gold, iOS, Solar Fire, Windows)
Change House System (on the fly)
Zodiacal Releasing – full landscape View #4
Knowledge Base post:
Zodiacal Releasing
Full landscape Settings with Zodiacal Releasing Option
Zodiacal Releasing Tables
Zodiacal Releasing Tables – for View #4
Zodiacal Releasing Full Landscape View #4
Full Landscape View #4 – displaying six Major levels and sub periods. Tap listing to see releasing tables.
ZR Listing
Printing a ZR listing
Antiscia aspects – bi-wheel
Bi-Wheel with antiscia aspects listed
Antiscia aspects – single-wheel
Single-wheel with antiscia aspects listed
Proportional Bi-Wheel with antiscia aspects
Antiscia Planetary aspect indicator
Single and bi-wheel
Selecting an Antiscia aspect. Planetary aspect indicator shown.
Added: Fixed Star, Antiscia Positions (Speculum)
Fixed Stars and Antiscia with view options – Chart, Fixed Stars, Antiscia
Zodiacal Releasing References:
Article (external website)
Zodiacal Releasing (Aphesis)Book:
Hellenistic Astrology, Chris Brennan, 2017
Bug Fix:
Aspect Orb settings now updated immediately. Currently have to exit AC and reload to see the change.
iOS 11 problems:
Time Map fails if iOS 11 is installed. Fixed for ver 1.69
Version 1.68
- Restored correct orb values that were shown improperly in the Aspect Table – top right. Shown improperly from ver 1.65
Secondary progressed Bi-Wheel Orb Setting
Orb Value – displayed top right, Aspect Table
- Improved reliability of aspect grid display values for full landscape views when switching wheels.
Version 1.67.
Some UI/bug fixes.
If there’s a Lunar Return on the last day of the month AC fails to calculate the next LR return. Fixed.
Version 1.66.
Bug: invalid date sometimes calculated which crashed AC. Fixed. Apologies for this. Thank you for your patience.
This bug mainly affected horary charts for 31st August 2017 when daily or monthly “progressed”.
Version 1.65.
Improved Full-Landcape single-wheel chart display, Favourite Chart, Increased speed of aspect table selection, and more.
Favourite Chart Selection
Favourite ChartImproved Full-Landcape single-wheel chart display – larger, better positioned chart
Full Landscape single-wheel Natal with Terms
Full Landscape single-wheel Plain – Natal. Landscape View #2
Comparison Charts are now treated as a normal bi-wheels as regards eclipses.
Version 1.64.
Annual Profections, Chart Aspect Lines Selection, Various Improvements, Bug fixes
Annual Profections – Hellenistic Time Lord
Article (external website)
Annual ProfectionsSkyscript site: defininition (external website)
ProfectionsProfection examples for George W Bush
Annual Profection for George W Bush, 1947 bi-wheel. See page 52, figure 14, Astrological Prediction: A Handbook of Techniques by Öner Döşer, Cazimi Press 2015
Annual Profection for George W Bush, 1981 bi-wheel. See page 55, figure 15, Astrological Prediction: A Handbook of Techniques by Öner Döşer, Cazimi Press 2015
Profection Settings
Profections Settings – whole-sign houses selected
Long-press Profection Settings
Chart Aspect Lines Selection
New Knowledge base article:
Knowledge Base – Aspect Lines SelectionImprovements
Added zodiac sign to Fixed Stars aspect table, and Fixed Star Orb aspect table
Added house numbers for all proportional charts, including bi-wheels. Increased colours available.
House Numbers – Proportional Chart
Bi-wheel showing house numbers for proportional chart and Settings view
White House Numbers shown on Chart and Settings
Added white as selectable colour for Circles, Spokes, Degrees and Minutes
White Colour for Lines Degrees and Minutes
Adjusted Settings menu
Eclipse Aspects for single wheel charts are now calculated eg progressed charts, Solar and Lunar returns
See New Knowledge Base article
Eclipses – Knowledge BaseBug Fixes:
Double-tap full landcape – fixed
Eclipse aspects to Asc and MC now correct if Whole-Sign/Morinus house system selected.
Eclipse aspects to MC now correct if Equal house system selected.
If selecting Eclipse Aspects (from the Main screen) the Eclipse positions view won’t dismiss. Fixed.
Hellenistic Astrology, Chris Brennan, 2017
Astrological Prediction: A Handbook of Techniques by Öner Döşer, Cazimi Press 2015
Version 1.63
Colours – Knowledge BaseChart Colour Fills – additional options, and redesign
Circles Spokes Degs and Mins – Colours Explanation
Bug introduced ver 1.62:
Lots, eg Part of Fortune, could be incorrect occasionally. Fixed
Version 1.62.
Aspect lines and lines indicating planet degree positions – better placement.
Planetary positions for terms, and triplicities – better placement.
Terms – better planetary placement. Note: spokes and aspect circle colours have been adjusted.
Terms and Triplicities – better planetary placement
Added house numbers for traditional/plain chart. House numbers for proportional charts coming soon.
Bi-Wheel House Numbers – grey colour
Bug fix:
View Uranian Trees from Aspect Grid View – fixed (restored functionality)
Very annoying (’cause it was hard to find and replicate) occasional bug which caused crash when calculating Eclipses – fixed
Solar Arc Aspect Hit – fixed
Version 1.61.
Improved Uranian Tree, bi-wheel grid functionality. New: Landscape View #3, Part of Marriage, Midpoint Aspect Lines
Cosmobiology references:
The Combination of Stellar Influences, Ebertin, 1972
Applied Cosmobiology, Ebertin, 1972
Fundamentals of Cosmobiology, 1979 Eleonora Kimmel, and Manfred Kimmel
Dial Detective, Maria Kay Simms, 2001
Midpoints, Don McBroom, 2007
Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl, 2001
Amazon linkImproved midpoint aspect trees
Aspect order, by Planets, or Separation
Uranian Trees – sorted by separation values. Orb text added.
Uranian Tree sec. prog. with Year and Month of progression
Uranian Aspect Settings
Uranian Aspect Settings. Note many astrological software use Modulus for their midpoint aspect settings.
New: Landscape view #3 – Midpoint Tree listing
New: Long-press over midpoint trees – landscape view #3
Landscape View #3 – Long Press over midpoint trees
Full Landscape settings
Full Landscape settings – View #3 – no eclipse, fixed stars, or antiscia aspects or values shown
Midpoint Trees – Knowledge Base
New: Part of Marriage (substitute calculation for the Part of Eros/Love)
Part of MarriageIf POM (Part of Marriage) is selected Speculum data listing will change Eros/Love to POM. In the Displayed Planets table Part of Eros does not change when POM has been selected from the Parts/Lots settings
Note the glyph is the same for the Part of Eros/Love and POM
New: View midpoint aspect lines
Midpoint Aspect Lines for Bi-Wheel Chart. The secondary progressed Sun is applying to the natal midpoint of Mars/Uranus by an opposition.
Bug fixes.
Uranian Tree orb was inconsistent – fixed.
Speculum Header text sometimes not appended – fixed.
Antiscia eclipse aspects, incorrect – fixed
Overhauled code for Day and Hour Lords
UI for for landscape. Some inconsistencies fixed.
Landscape view #2, Aspect Grid functionality
If a bi-wheel aspect orb is > 1 degree the degree is shown in the Aspect Grid. If the degree is 1 degree or less the fractional part is shown.
Knowledge Base – Aspect Grids, revised articleSpeculum/Uranian Trees.
When viewing a radix SR or LR, Radix is appended to the chart name, rather than Natal.
Uranian Trees
Added aspect order, by Planet, or Separation
Uranian Trees header text:
Orb added. Year and Month added for Returns, Sec. Prog, Solar Arcs, and Transits.
SR/LR algorithm
Improved algorithm for precession-corrected SR/LR (Return Charts)
Improved Precession-Corrected Return ChartsVersion 1.60.
Save/Edit Solar and Lunar Returns as individual charts – including relocated and precession-corrected charts
New Blog post:
Blog: Solar Returns – saving as a radix chartSave/Edit Solar and Lunar Return as radix charts ie calculated individual charts. This allows charts be used as though they were natal charts, ie they can be progressed or have transits applied to them.
- Generate SR chart: Load Natal, tap Solar Return button.
- Tap lightning Bolt icon, top menu:
Solar Return Save Chart View – The SR chart is saved to Your Charts as a radix/natal chart of Chart Type Solar Return or Lunar Return if LR chart is displayed.
Antiscia orb extended for single-wheel and bi-wheel charts
Long-press over centre of chart Tap lightning Bolt icon (from ver 1.79), top menu when Antiscia chart is displayed brings up Antiscia Settings view
Changes to Chart File filtering, to accommodate SR and LR charts
Not available for Provided Charts
Filtering Chart Files, C’son = Comparison. C’site = Composite. SR = Solar Return. LR = Lunar Return.
Version 1.59.
Bug fix:
A bug was introduced in ver 1.58 – Fixed Star Aspects not shown in table – fixed. Apologies to all.
Version 1.58. Ver 1.58 suitable for the new 10.5″ iPad Pro, and all other iPads.
Antiscia Charts.
Natal chart antiscia are shown as planetary/points around a natal wheel, ie as bi-wheel.
An antiscia button has been added below the Synastry button – Main vertical menu – which is left of the displayed chart (not full landscape). The Antiscia menu option can also be accessed from the full landscape view.
Aspect lines are not shown for antiscia charts as the conjunction aspect is considered the only relevant one. For contra-antiscia, opposition aspect lines are shown.
Antiscia – Adolf Hitler Proportional chart
Antiscia – Adolf Hitler Plain chart
Antiscia Table and Orb Settings – an antiscia orb of 0 to 8 degrees can be selected, with intermediate minutes.
Bug fixes:
Missing Fixed Star listings restored to Landscape view #2, single-wheel charts. With improvements to display.
Fixed long-press Aspect table view look.
Improved Functionality
Transit, sec prog., and solar arc date automatically defaults to now, unless a date has been selected previously. This is useful when a chart is initially loaded and a transit, sec. prog. or solar arc button is selected prior to any other action.
Added North Node, and Chiron to antiscia table aspects.
Additional Functionality
Aspect Table showing Orb for Antiscia
Version 1.57.
Time Map for Aspect Hits – monthly, quarterly, yearly
Transits, Secondary, or Solar Arc aspects to a Natal chart mapped over time.
With horizontal and vertical scrolling. The screenshots show secondary aspects to a natal chart. As per the Aspect Hit table view, transits, progressions, and solar arc aspects can be shown either individually or mixed together.
t = transit
r = radix/natal
p = progressed (secondary progression)
d = direction (Solar Arc)
E = Outer planet starting to aspect natal planet/point (depends on orb)
X = Exact Aspect Hit to natal planet/point
L = Outer planet stops aspecting natal planet/point (depends on orb)
> = Outer Planet aspecting natal planet/point on start date
< = Outer Planet aspecting natal planet/point on end date
(Note: Outer Planet means Transiting, Secondary, or Solar Arc selected planet)
Time Map knowledge base
Time Map with red background cell for Exact Aspect Hit
Time Map without red background cell for Exact Aspect Hit
Time Map without red background cell for Exact Aspect Hit – scrolled horizontally
Time Map with red background cell for Exact Aspect Hit and day numbers
Aspect Hit Time Map using monthly Quarters
Aspect Hit Time Map using monthly Quarters – no cell gaps
Bug fix:
Chart Notes – if an apostrophe is used in the chart name or the notes itself. This prevented saving/retrieving of notes.
More error checking.
Improved Aspect Hit algorithm, including better Time Zone handling.
Time Map Time Zone Improvement – secondary progressions use Natal Time Zone, Transits use current time zone
Database – Error Checking
If AC crashes on loading a chart on the next load the Database Error checking view may be invoked. This bypasses any chart loading and allows the offending chart to be removed.
Ver 1.56.
Zoom in/out.
Double-click chart, and pan. Double-click to restore.
Useful for examining close-up the details of a chart or the aspect grids on the full landscape page.
Makes it easier to click the planets and points in a chart to see their details – not available on the full landscape page.
Full Landscape showing close-up of aspect grid
Main screen showing Neptune details
Main screen showing Venus details
Added: Date Picker Pop-up
Useful when a specific date is required. I’ve wanted to do this for a while!
Note that when selecting a date for Returns, the date will revert to the nearest Return date. For example picking any date in 2011 when displaying a Solar Return chart will select the specific 2011 Solar Return date for the chart. This is similar to the Return behaviour when selecting a Quick Year, or Month.
Changing the date has no effect on Comparison synastry charts, which is to be expected.
Bug fixes:
A couple of UI bugs fixed.
Version 1.55.
Aspect Hits Knowledge Base
Also added:
Colours – Knowledge Base Fixed Star Orbs – Knowledge Base
Aspect Hit List – long press over centre of chart/wheel
t = transit
r = radix/natal
p = progressed (secondary progression)
d = direction (Solar Arc)
Aspect Hit List:
Transit to Natal planets/points
Secondary to Natal planets/points
Solar Arc to Natal planets/points
Bug Fix
Bug fix: for comparison chart. Occasional loading crash: fixed.
Added share icon to Essential Dignities view, for email, printing etc.
Essential Dignities Share button – top left
Added Cancel button to Eclipse Search. This stops all eclipse calculations.
Improved stability of Eclipse Search
ion 1.54.
Reverse Geocoder for Quick*Charts – useful when a chart can’t be automatically imported because of an unknown country/town/city or time zone failure.
(Reverse Geocoder – gets the location of the town/city/country and other info from the given latitude and longitude)
See Import quick charts and reverse geocoder
QuickCharts Reverse Geocoder for City
Version 1.53.
Fix for using non-English names for Geographical locations and Time Zone, when using a Map to get latitude and long.
This a fix for any language that can utilise reverse geocoding from Apple.
Example: using the German language
Time Zone error for Transits – German Language
Time Zone fix for Transits – German Language
Version 1.52.
Bug fixes.
Tapping Solar Return button when a particular time zone is in use can cause an app crash/incorrect chart – fixed.
Balances Graph: Elements labels corrected
New feature:
Manual change for incorrect Time Zone info for Natal Charts only. This is useful if a time zone from the TZ database used by AC is known to be incorrect. And you know what the time zone should be. Use with caution. Time Zones are often a contentious subject in astrology and in other disciplines.
See this post on Skyscript:
Time Zone Skyscript PostLong press on the Time of Birth field after tapping the Edit Chart button:
Version 1.51.
Improved Import Quick*Charts
Added House System Table
Added activity indicator when importing and to Analysis.
Import Quick Charts – added house system table
Import Quick Charts – House system table
version 1.50.
Bug fix: eclipse aspects dismiss from Done button – fixed.
Version 1.49
Import Quick*Charts (AC: ver 1.49)
Desktop applications: Solar Fire, Sirius, and Janus can export chart files in the Quick*Chart format.
Knowledgebase: Quick*Charts Import
Import Quick*Charts menu button
Quick*Chart file ticked/selected
Quick*Chart imported results – duplicates (previously imported)
Search for eclipse aspects to Natal (ver 1.49)
Start Year = 01/01/Year – by default the Natal birth year is used. The year can be changed by selecting a year from the Year picker. Tap the Start Year field to show the Year picker.
End Year = 31/12/Year – by default the Quick Year is used. The year can be changed by selecting a year from the Year picker. Tap the End Year field to show the Year picker.
Solar or/and Lunar Eclipse aspect can be calculated.
Aspect: conjunction or major aspects from eclipse to planet/point can be selected.
Eclipse aspects to these user-selectable Planets/Points (Moon, Sun…Pluto, Asc, MC) or Natal Chart Planets/Points are calculated and displayed in the Results table
The aspect orb can be selected: 0 to 3 degrees, in steps of 06 minutes
These selections/settings will not change the main eclipse settings.
An activity indicator is shown as these calculations can take a while.
Eclipse Search Aspects – Year Picker
Eclipse Search – Natal Chart Planets and Points
Eclipse Search Natal Chart Planets and Points – Explanation
Eclipse Search Aspects View Results
Eclipse Search Aspects -Air Print
Version 1.48.
Midpoint Trees, and Midpoint Table
as per Ebertin and the seminal book: The Combination of Stellar Influences and Applied Cosmobiology
Amazon link Aspects to Midpoint Trees with Header
Aspects to Midpoint Trees – No Orb or Aspect Shown
Aspects to Midpoint Trees – Air Print
Aspects to planetary Natal Midpoints – midpoint Table
Aspects to Midpoint Trees – Air Print Table
Available Midpoint aspects
Natal aspect to midpoints
Transit, Progressed, Directed, Return, Synastry aspects to midpoints
Improved aspect Applying/Separating algorithm
Solar and Lunar Eclipse, New Full Landscape layouts, Miscellaneous Settings, Chart Notes PopUp
Eclipse: AC Knowledge Base Article
Note: Eclipse positions/aspects are not calculated for Synastry Charts.
All eclipse times are for the time of maximum eclipse
Eclipse aspects can be conjunction to planets or points only or a range of aspects.
The eclipse aspect orb can be set. One degree is recommended.
Eclipse Article – Lynn KoinerWhy you won’t find a Lunar Eclipse on the 18th August 2016, listed by AstroConnexions:
18th August 2016, Missing EclipseEclipse Table and Aspects
Alan Ginsberg elipse aspects secondary progression
Eclipse Glyph
Full Landscape Settings
Full Landscape: AC Knowledge Base Article Full Landscape Listing Settings
Full Landscape additions (with Eclipse Table)
New aspect grid design
(recommended for 1-degree orb for bi-wheel charts )
Bi-wheel – only fractional part (mantissa) of aspect is shown in the grid. Hence the recommended one degree orb.
For single-wheel only the whole number is shown, eg if separation is 2:56 and applying, the aspect is shown in the grid as 2A. The fractional part is ignored.
Note long-press over the aspect grid brings up the Aspect Table – so all aspects can be reviewed
Long press over aspect grid – Aspect Table
Al Pacino Full Landscape Natal Aspect Grid
For single-wheel the integer part (the characteristic) is shown, eg if separation is 2:56 and applying, the aspect is shown in the grid as 2A. The fractional (mantissa) part is ignored.
Al Pacino Full landscape Bi-Wheel – View #2
Note: Only fractional part of the aspect separation is shown in the grid for the bi-wheel. This is correct and possible if the aspect orb is 1 degree. Which is the usual orb for bi-wheel aspects such as secondary progressions, and solar arc’s. See cropped screenshot of the aspect grid below
Al Pacino Full Landscape Bi-Wheel Aspect Grid – only mantissa (fractional part) of the separation is shown
Also, the eclipse positions are not progressed eclipse positions (single-wheel or bi-wheel) but are the actual eclipse positions, ie transits.
New aspect grid design for single-wheel (only whole degree aspect values shown)
Al Pacino Full landscape Natal – View #2
New Chart Type selection
New Chart Type Picker for Full Landscape
Miscellaneous Settings
Chart Notes PopUp
Just tap bottom right of iPad screen. Add/Edit/Retrieve Your Charts notes for the currently displayed chart.
Note solar and lunar eclipse glyphs for the nearest Eclipse at the time of birth are shown in the chart. See above screenshot. The nearest Solar Eclipse is at 17Ar51 and the nearest Lunar Eclipse at 01Vi47.
Aspect lines to the eclipse glyphs are not shown as the conjunction is the only generally accepted aspect. However, major eclipse aspects to planets and parts can be calculated – see Eclipse Settings screenshot.
Composite (mid-point method) relationship charts . Plus other improvements, and additions.
Version 1.44
Bug (ver 1.43): Comparison chart. Asc and MC calculation incorrect for 2nd chart. Does not affect planetary positions or saved charts, just display of Asc and MC for outside chart if show Asc Mc is selected.. Fixed ver 1.44, available now.
New Post
Understanding AstroConnexionsComposite charts
This is the calculation of the shortest arc between two planets or points from each chart. For example, the shortest arc between chart 1’s Sun and chart 2’s Sun is calculated. This becomes the composite relationship position of the Sun. And so on… This chart can be saved and progressed etc as a natal chart. Various options will be available.
Apologies for the delay for those waiting for composite charts. Nearly there!
Note: Comparison and Composite charts can be saved to Your Charts.
What type of composite chart is available?
Natal Composite chart: single wheel
Transits to a natal composite chart: bi-wheel
Secondary progressed composite chart: single wheel
Secondary progressed composite chart with composite natal chart: bi-wheel
- All other functions are available to composite and comparison charts eg Fixed Star aspects, Terms, etc
- Returns and Solar Arc directions are not available for Composite charts
Some composite chart calculation details
A composite natal chart calculates the midpoints between two selectable natal charts from Your Charts table or from a saved composite chart
A secondary progressed composite chart is calculated from the two natal charts that comprise a composite chart.
To construct a bi-wheel the following calculations take place:
Calculate the midpoints between two natal charts.
Calculate the midpoints between the two progressed natal charts. Each chart is individually progressed.
Composite declinations/latitudes are not taken into account.
Day or Hour Lord
Is not possible to calculate the Day or Hour Lord for synastry charts.
All parts/lots are calculated from the composite Asc, Moon etc. The midpoints for the vertex and East Point are calculated.
Fixed Stars aspects:
Fixed star aspects represent a challenge for composite and comparison charts. Which epoch should be used? Consider that if two natal charts of very different years of birth are used to construct a composite chart how do we decide which year (epoch) to use to calculate the fixed star aspects? The composite chart has no year of birth, nor a day of birth or a place of birth. It is entirely astronomically artificial. So what to do?
The epoch is taken from the first named natal chart date. If the difference in years between the two natal charts is insignificant, possibly less than 50 years, the aspects will be accurate enough. For instance in the composite chart of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert they were both born on 1819. The fixed stars calculation can use the 1819 date as the epoch without any concern as to relevance and accuracy. This also applies to comparison synastry charts.
Example Composite Natal Chart
Composite Chart – Queen Victoria and Prince Albert
Composite Chart – Queen Victoria and Prince Albert full landscape
To include Prince Albert and Queen Victoria charts in Your Charts list please download this csv file and copy to your AstroConnexions DropBox app folder. Then use the Import AC Provided charts option. Import them into Your Charts. You may need a PC to do this. I’m not sure if the iPad can do this? Please note synastry charts are only available when using the Your Charts database.
QVicPAl.txtExample Composite Bi-Wheel Secondary Progressed Chart (with new feature – aspect lines for all bi-wheels)
Bi-Wheel Aspect Lines Explained Queen Victoria and Prince Albert progressed Composite with (new feature for all bi-wheels) progressed to natal aspect lines – showing the progressed Moon aspecting natal Venus and natal Part of Spirit
Queen Victoria and Prince Albert progressed Composite with progressed to natal aspect lines – showing the progressed Moon aspecting natal Venus via the Moon’s aspect record.
Chart listing choice for composite charts
Natal Chart List for Composite – Entering a composite chart name (usually by entering the second chart’s name – the first chart’s name is automatically entered by AC – it’s editable) and choosing the second chart by tapping a chart name record.
How to create a Composite or Comparison synastry chart
Understanding how AstroConnexions displays them
Synastry options
Synastry options with Composite choice to use the midpoint of Mercury and Venus closest to the Sun’s midpoint
For single-wheel synastry charts there is a choice of using the already defined natal orb, or a fixed orb. For bi-wheel charts: (secondary progressed composite charts) the standard orb for progressed charts is used.
Composite Venus and Mercury anomoly
Synastry: Full Landscape Options
fi Full Landscape Options for Synastry
Colour Chart List records by Type
Ver 1.43
Colour Chart List Records by Type
Additional Chart Filters
Ver 1.43
Export for AC Import and New Chart filters
Export AC
see above – screenshot
Ver 1.43
The selected chart is exported in a CSV file format (to Dropbox AC folder) that allows the importing of this file back into AC, via the Import AC Provided process. Requires a (free) Dropbox account.
Useful to archive charts/files when pruning the chart list by deleting chart files from the database. Save important charts. In case of accidental delete!
Export SF (change of text)
The selected chart is exported in a CSV file format that allows the importing of this file into Solar Fire for Windows via Dropbox.
Deleting Charts and the possible effect on Synastry charts
Deleting Natal charts with Synastry warning
Note that any saved synastry charts will also be deleted if they are associated with the deleted Natal Chart. Why? A composite or comparison chart is saved with a reference to the 2 charts, and no other details are saved. Therefore when a composite or comparison chart is drawn the 2 charts referenced must exist in the Your Charts database.
eg A composite or comparison chart might be named Bill and Samatha. This file holds the name of Bill’s chart and Samantha’s chart – these 2 charts details are referenced when Bill and Samatha’s synastry chart is drawn.
Directing or progressing a composite chart
Note when a composite chart is directed or progressed each associated chart is individually progressed and then the midpoints calculated.
How to create a Composite or Comparison synastry chart
Synastry post on Blog:
Synastry with AstroConnexions: Albert, Prince Consort, and Queen Victoria
Bug Fixes and Improvements
Ver 1.43
Occasionally some charts would display 59 secs instead of the full minute. When displaying time of birth.
eg Time: 1 hour 40 mins should be displayed. Instead this would be displayed as 1 hour 39 min 59 secs.
This would also occasionally happen when saving a chart.
Aspect Records
Improved listing of aspect records – more aspects recorded.
Aspects to parts/lots from planets and aspects to MC/ASC
Also improved sort: By Planet
Improved secondary progression algorithm
Blog post: Moon’s progressed position compared with Solar Fire GoldChart List Search
Search fixed when Browse selected. Tapped chart record selection now returns correct chart.
MC spoke Colour
Arabian Parts warning
Arabian Parts warningMore error checking
Error trapping and recovery routines improved.
Bi-wheel aspect lines, showing progressed/directed/transit points/planets to natal points/planets
See knowledge base post:
Bi-Wheel Aspect Lines ExplainedAdditional point: White moon, Selena
Ver 1.43
Example Chart with Selena – 6th house position
Albert, Prince Consort chart with Selena, in the sixth house
Updates since release (23rd August 2016)
Fix to set Current Location for New Charts error message:
“Problem with finding the Time Zone. Unable to set location”
A listing of Countries and Places is available if the above message occurs. Version 1.42. Available now.
Set Current Location: New buttons
Current Location Problem
“Your Charts” list categories: Add new category, Edit category. Ver 1.39.
View Category Details: Count of charts in Categories, List of charts with a category.
Remember category choice when returning to “Your Charts” list.
Additional feature: Air print list of aspects (single-wheel, bi-wheel). Version 1.37.
All, traditional planets, traditional planets + traditional aspects, antiscia.
Sort by orb, planet, applying, aspect.
Air Print aspects – sort by Planet
Air Print aspects sort by planet – traditional
Fix for Equal house Asc and MC progressed/directed displayed values. Version 1.37.
Added some missing Moon’s table aspect values. Version 1.37.
Fixed Stars for Full Landscape (single wheel chart). Ver 1.36
Qualities and Elements for Full Landscape (single wheel chart). Ver 1.35.
Full Landscape with Qualities and Elements
Bug fix: Restored Bi-Wheel text to correct position for full landscape view. Ver 1.35.
Totals for: Triplicities and Qualities + other charts/totals. New Feature. Ver 1.34.
Table and chart showing the total planets/Asc/Mc that are Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable.
Table and chart showing the total planets/Asc/Mc that are Fire Earth Air or Water.
Added Element Houses where:
- 3 ‘Fire’ houses (1,5 and 9)
- 3 ‘Earth’ houses (2, 6 and 10)
- 3 ‘Air’ houses (3, 7 and 11)
- 3 ‘Water’ houses (4, 8 and 12).
1.34 – added missing aspects Asc/MC to planets when bi-wheel. Available now.
User-defined aspect line colours – new feature
version 1.32.
Aspect line colours – AC defaults shown
Aspect Lines
Synastry – new feature
- Compare two natal charts using a bi-wheel – AKA comparison or synastry chart (version 1.32).
Solar and Lunar Returns – additional features
Geographical relocation for Solar and Lunar Returns.
Precession-corrected Solar and Lunar Returns.
Long Press Solar Or Lunar Return Button to conveniently view Relocation/Precession popover
Ayanamsha – used with Solar or Lunar Return precession
Long Press Natal button to conveniently view Edit Chart
version 1.29
Long Press Natal Button brings Edit Chart Details
Long Press Secondary Progressions button to conveniently view its associated form
version 1.29
Long Press Solar Arc button to conveniently view its associated form
version 1.29
Additional points, asteroids, dwarf planets
version 1.29
Vertex – AstroConnexions uses Vtx
Pallas/ Athena
Black Moon Lilith
East Point and asteroid glyphs
Additional points and asteroids (including Lilith) in an AstroConnexions chart
Additional points and asteroids
Additional Options/Settings
version 1.29
Node, Lilith, Fixed Stars, Chart Name, Round Asc/MC
Improved Air Printing for Planetary and Point data
version 1.29
Tabbed print popovers. One for single wheel data. The other for bi-wheel data.
Antiscia aspects
AstroConnexions ver 1.25
Fixed Star Orbs for aspects in Longitude and Declination
AstroConnexions ver 1.26
Improved Fixed Stars View
Fixed star conjunctions to the Asc or MC are now shown by a red star. Ver 1.28
Fixed star conjunctions and declination aspects to the Asc or MC are now shown by a red star slightly offset from planetary fixed star aspects.
Fixed star aspects to the ascendant
Fixed star aspects to the ascendant – aspect table
Note: tapping a fixed star table record shows the fixed star in the chart by making the star prominent. Other stars symbols are temporarily removed from the chart. Tapping again on the same fixed star table record restores all the star symbols in the chart