FAQ iPhone

23rd August 2024 approx, from the Apple App Store
Usually yes. Full landscape does not apply to the iPhone. Financial charts/graph, and Aspect Hits are not available. Primary Directions are now available for the iPhone
Yes I believe it is.
Especially horary:
Horary charts
Yes – the design is much different than the iPad, and took a long time to develop. However most of the underlying code is identical to the iPad version, and the saved charts are the same so they can be shared via dropBox
No. Charts created on the iPhone are not shown on the iPad and vice versa.
However there are quite a few ways to overcome this limitation. see:
iPhone 12, 15, XR or greater. The larger the screen size the better. Note AC for the iPhone is portrait orientation only.
Yes. Every AC compatible iPhone has been carefully programmed for Display Zoom. Note that if Display Zoom is set to On the display may be somewhat different than a non Display Zoomed view. this is to be expected.
Yes (if you have automatic downloads switched on), in what's know as letter box mode. All iPhone apps have to be available for the iPad in letter box or scaled mode. Does this mean that the AC for iPhone is as good as the AC for the iPad when on the iPad? No definitely not. AC for the iPad is specifically designed for the iPad. AC for the iPhone is designed specifically for the iPhone. Apple insist that iPhone apps have to be available for the iPad even though the resulting view is restricted and the experience is not necessarily very good. Most developers think this is stupid. However simple apps are usually ok. AC is not a simple app.